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[–]UwUUwU[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)


Do you have arguments against the claim that "all embryos are inherently female and start as female"?

I posted a similar question on the r/biology of reddit, and the answers I got were that humans start as female and change to male if SRY gene is activated which is why men have nipples, and that if the signal is not activated, it leads to "intersex" conditions.

Here too we see the same claim that embryos start as female:

All vertebrate embryos are inherently female. They just require an extra hormone at the right developmental stage to make them male

There are species like lizards in which sex is claimed to change in embryos if temperature changes? At least that's what I read ...

So do you have arguments against the claim that "embryos start as female and change sex from female to male during their development"?