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[–]radicalcentrist 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (4 children)

Let me save you the time.

Nothing about the anti-Covid movement has done anything to advance humanity. And I don't say this out of any bias. When I look at conspiracy theories, I always try and support the ones that are meant to bring some kind of social good or positivity.

But the people who fought tooth and nail against any kind of restriction during a health crisis turned out to be the real villains. Sorry if that sounds blunt, but it's true.

The pandemic was never going to last forever. It was actually a nice litmus test to see which percentage of the population can be patient and offer self-control vs those who would choose to react irrationally in times of emergency. No matter what you think, you're still going to have to wait until science says it's officially safe for all businesses to open back up. We're not rushing it. It offered no benefits. Just be patient and wait for the social distancing and mask mandates to be over.

Edit: I also get bombarded with messages about stopping "tyranny" but it's moronic to pin that on a public health crisis which always require some kind of intervention to control. If there was a local restaurant serving radioactive meat or any other tainted food products, the reaction should not be to let them poison the community "becuz it's durr right!", but to get the health inspector to shut them down for reckless endangerment. Same logic applies with controlling Covid. It's not a right to infect other people with a contagious disease and believing it somehow is makes you a complete asshole. Just do the right thing and limit who you contact until the virus is over. It's not even hard or a difficult task. Building a rocketship to Mars is challenging. Standing 2 meters away from other people is Baby level. And watching grown Men throw a tantrum at such simple instructions makes them look dumber than infants.

"Oh mah gawd, I can't buy a bag of chips without wearing a mask for 5 seconds. This is worse than Nazi Germany!"

Grow up.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Dude you are really, really, and I mean really into the cool-aid. You're so deep that I think you might glow.

I was going to give you a decent response today but After reading this pasta I'm just going to end this conversation with this. 2020 was the largest wealth transfer from poor to rich (3 trillion dollars) in all of recorded history. If you think that's accomplishing nothing, I can't help you.

[–]radicalcentrist 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

There was wealth transfers before. The 2008 market crash was more impactful.

But this shows how short sighted some of you conspiracy theorists really are. No one has ever said wealth inequality didn't exist or wasn't a problem. It's trying to pin it on a pandemic, when there where so many factors that was outside of everyone's control. And you're not going to fix it by just "opening up". The damage is already done, you gotta think of another strategy that wont get millions of people sick or hospitalized.

If anything, what precipitated this entire crisis was the refusal to follow science and enact a more safe public gathering routine. Last year, the majority of the population were afraid to leave their homes. This shifted the demand towards "contactless" services like food delivery or online ordering. Many small businesses had a chance to adapt to this market shift. Many others didn't and thus, they were always doomed.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Shush you simpleton