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[–]JasonCarswell 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Everyone who thinks they're feds got worked by the system in a really embarrassing way.

Perhaps. But their selective "standards", supremacist, classist, racist, or whateverist, legitimate or just by appearances, and their fitness, neatness, and orderliness stick out like a "Based😎👍" sore thumb in the varieties of countless authentic and inauthentic movements, in a world where "orderly" authoritarian COINTELPRO and countless other fed infiltrations and false flags are common standard procedure.

There's no embarrassment in raising alarms and having them explained away.

you will see PF has nothing in common with the stuff feds get up to.

Yes, so many of their ops are sloppy as fuck. But I wonder how many are not that never reach the light of day.

They're constantly exposing FBI, Antifa etc and breaking important information that the mainstream media censor.

This is always good. However, I aim to try to step back from pointing out problems and work on finding, developing, and sharing solutions to the endless myriad of those issues.

When Projex.Wiki presentable enough to announce it, your very orderly PF friends are welcome to utilize it. The world is chaotic and ground-up organization is needed to resist the top-down tyranny.