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[–]JasonCarswell 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

!important needs to be exclaimed first!

Adopting from another CSS is a learning experience, including seeing their errors, like piling on too many !important things.

After 2.5 solid days on the /s/WikiSpooks CSS I feel I got a lot done. (Animated votes! I could animate soooo much now! But I won't without a purpose.) Yesterday I was forced into reorganizing - then lost it all. I need a bigger C drive.

Today I'm reorganizing first. Then I figure I have another day or so before that "SaidItron CSS" is 98% done, with another day of tweaking shit no one will notice but subconsciously those fine details matter. I may tone down the vibrancy of the dark purple theme (it's easier to see the differences), unless Robin digs it. With my new duotone palette I should be able to apply the sub in different hues to /s/GreenParty and /s/PinUps in no time at all. I will be timing it. I have some of their old code I want to ask you about too as I'm not sure what it does and/or whether it's worth keeping or removing. Then I will revisit and overhaul the "Ergonomix CSS" and finish that bitch, as well as make a bunch of banners and dump some subs.

Get your mobile CSS ducks in order. Maybe make a wish list for me, prioritized if possible, and/or the general goals and such. I can do it right after the SaidItron before I tackle the Ergonomix if you like. Improving mobile seems more important, even if I don't use it. Is there an emulator, or just the mobile mode?

One more thing, that I think is important, especially for new folks to SaidIt - when one hovers over the vote icons, IMO, it should read "insightful" or "fun" if people don't have their assistant/help thing turned off in their browser, to let people know what it is before they vote. My animation happens after, though I changed it to "valued" and "fun" because it was a shorter word and I didn't know how to make it wider than the voting box. If there's a better work I'm open to changing it. Also I don't mean for you to add the animation thing site wide (unless you want to), just the hover indicator. I don't actually see any hover stuff on SaidIt other than when you hover over the subscribe for multi-list categories.