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[–]weavilsatemyface 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Is there some context to this? What's going on?

[–]wristaction 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I'll give you the entire context: A Conservative blogger is trying to frame a pro-White activist as a "federal agent" and his proof is as follows:

  • The Activist purchased real estate in upper Maine with an Associate.
  • The Associate had some felony convictions from more than 25 years ago when he would've been 20 years old.
  • Having had previous Twitter accounts shut down, the Activist has started a new one.

The idiot Conservative blogger labors under the misapprehension that "felony" means "federal". All the charges were state charges. Additionally:

  • The Associate did not hide these felony charges from anyone. Indeed he used the moniker, "Fred the Felon" in his activism.
  • The Associate's activism included work for the Andrew Yang campaign. -- Andrew Yang's campaign was popular with the "Alt-Right" because Yang was not reticent to acknowledge the White working class as a salient group in need of economic justice. Alt-Right figure Baked Alaska cut a silly music video for the Yang campaign and Nick Fuentes popularized the hot pink Yang2020 "vaporwave" style cap as an alternative to the Yang campaign's own parody of the MAGA cap, which simply said "MATH".

The blogger began his thread by claiming "It’s not even hard to track the Fed connection to this. This took me about 5 minutes to unravel". By the end of the thread, the blogger had failed to present even a single fact towards evidencing a "Fed connection". At the end, he drops a screenshot of the ADL's page on the Activist, as if it spoke for itself.

The thesis presented is that pro-White, National Socialist, and Fascist groups who appear in public to peaceably assemble under their first-amendment civil rights are a mirage conducted by federal agents in conjunction with far-left groups to discredit by association the viewpoints common between Conservatives and "the far-right". "It's A Trick To Make Us Look Bad", in other words.