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[–]MuskyIndependent 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I wasn't sure what the term would be so I asked an AI:

That’s an interesting question. I don’t think there is a single term for that phenomenon, but I can think of some possible ways to describe it. Here are some suggestions:

Bullshit overload: This is when you present so much bullshit that the audience is overwhelmed and unable to verify the validity of each claim. It is similar to the concept of information overload, which is when too much information causes confusion and reduces the quality of decision making.

Bullshit avalanche: This is when you unleash a massive amount of bullshit that buries the truth and creates a false impression of reality. It is similar to the concept of a Gish gallop, which is a rhetorical technique of overwhelming your opponent with numerous arguments, regardless of their relevance or accuracy.

Bullshit mountain: This is when you build up a huge pile of bullshit that seems impressive and authoritative, but is actually unstable and unsupported by evidence. It is similar to the concept of a mountain of evidence fallacy, which is when you use a large number of weak arguments to support a conclusion, instead of a few strong ones.