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[–]SaiditNotReddit 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

you are the one who is talking about RFK. moron. all i said initially was you don't need monsanto made fertilizer to grow food.

no where was i contradicting your first comment. but you clearly have an intellectual chip on your shoulder, and opening up a discussion with you is beyond pointless.

fuck off back to reddit or 4chan if all you have to add to this platform is bile and anger in disagreement. rather than actually add soemthing to a discussion.

if i literally have nothing to say. why the fuck did you feel compelled to reply? was it so you can hear your own voice on the internet chirping such wisdom?

oh wise one. please do tell me how to think and behave. so i may be worthy of your praise. lol you fucking twat

that right winger... more like that right whinger. the fact you can't discern the fact that the left and right are part of the same Jewish organised body, tells me all i need to know about your own intellectual capacity. kek