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[–]iamonlyoneman 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

all systems must be questioned, strangely, except for postmodern liberalism.

[–]Alienhunter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Questioned yes. There's a strong academic case to be made for discussion and questioning of all ideas. But this isn't what happens with "wokeism" as it is more concerned with some damned fool moralistic crusade where they've already decided how things should be rather than a deep analysis of why things are.

Like even really basic obvious questions that most normies would withdrawal at the mention of have a place in an academic "deconstruction" like "why is murder bad". Disarming to most, considered a foregone conclusion. I agree that it is. But if you can't go make a compelling argument as to why eventually some crazy person will stumble into a convincing argument for why murder is good. And if you want to scoff at that as nonsense. I would like to invoke Godwin's law.

To effectively argue in favor or something you must also have the capacity to at least construct an argument against the thing you are in favor of. If you cannot then you usually fail to understand the issue beyond a mere surface level or rote memorization imprinted on you by education and society. It's like the Columbus criticisms. Plenty of valid criticisms to be made. But the general public tends to go only into the most stupid and uneducated positions. Columbus discovered the world was round? Who said that first and why did it become a commonly shared misconception? Don't know. But you've got the opposite where realizing a lot of the government propoganda about history and Columbus was slanted and not totally accurate, you get the opposite kind of essentialist idiocy where "Columbus sailed to America to kill and oppress the indians" where that wasn't his motivating intention at all, even if death and oppression did come about as a consequence of the Spanish colonization.

Columbus by all historical accounts is a very interesting individual, one whom was very ambitious and fudged the numbers to convince the royals to finance his voyage. Lucked out that there was a continent where his fudged numbers said china should be. Later seems to have had a disastrous term as governor of a colony, though the information about that comes from a lot of British sources as well, the Brits and the Spaniards weren't exactly on the best terms so some of that information might be propoganda.

Of course throwing people with actual historical reality that requires them to think, and not spout off canned nonsense and performative struggle sessions about oppression and how they should get more shit because of it. So naturally the idea that you actually deconstruct their beliefs makes them mad. But that's true of any religious zealot. You're not going to make many friends going into a church and questioning them on the finer points of how christian dogma was heavily influenced by political realities of the time. You're not going to have much luck convincing a woke that they are actually participating in the system of oppression and patriarchy and all that shit because they have been conditioned to respond exactly as the ruling class intends for them to respond. Can't have the poor blacks and poor whites realizing that they both share the same problem after all. Better to keep them fighting each other lest they unite their energies towards actually achieving true progress that threatens the profit margins of the ruling class. It's much easier to rile them up every few years and make a killing misappropriating their donation money and selling stupid T-shirts and shit.