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[–]SoCo 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Wealth redistribution is a fancy name for stealing.

No one they intend to squeeze for taxes is in anyway responsible, so it is just committing one wrong in a misguided attempt to correct another. It is oppressing one set of people, in an attempt to make up for historic oppression of another set.

Assuming anyone who is financially prosperous, became that way due to extra opportunities, privileges, or through some other vague and presumptuous mental gymnastics attributed to their race, is simply flawed and racist thinking.

Wealth inequality is normal and only sly thieves pretend they desire to correct it. People are not equal and never will be; you cannot change that. You can only do things to make it worse and maliciously choose winners and loser.

Wealth is generated from labor and investment. The value of labor relies on the obvious things; education, skill, physical capability, and opportunity. Opportunity isn't magic, it is gained from work seeking opportunities, networking to find it, the effort to be at the right place at the right time, and a bit of luck; it is not secreted from certain skin colors. Some less obvious things that dictate labor value much more is workforce supply and demand. If there are many unskilled workers, pay will be low for unskilled workers. Some areas have much more workers of various skill levels than others and some have much more or much less demand for certain skill levels. If you live in a big city, with little demand for unskilled workers, but a flooded workforce seeking unskilled jobs, expecting a living wage is unrealistic. Demanding it, is just advocating stealing from others.

And in her testimony, Moore Johnson, a founding partner at Washington DC-based Birchstone Moore, also proposed implementing a reparations tax fund that could receive charitable donations.

That would probably work well. Corporate social influence, including ones indoctrinating the thinking of school children, have convinced many while people to hate themselves and feel guilty. That should be motivating to donate and donating should help the emotionally manipulated to have an outlet to relieve their guilt.

I can't imagine a fair or reasonable way to select, decide a criteria for, nor vet the recipients for such a charitable fund, but this seems to be the most reasonable proposal. If those who decide who gets this fund can do so with minimal overhead, that a cryptocurrency could be used to securely send, automatically distribute, and receive the funds, without the huge administrative overhead that usually eats up all the donations, if not embezzling it.