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[–]Insider 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Also keep in mind who's putting these white criminals into power.

Notice it's all the white countries voting in the white globalist pedophiles and worshiping snakes like the white Queen Elizabeth. Without the white vote and white support from common citizens, the white rulers would never even be in power.

Also, look at all the SJW's, transgender pronoun warriors and third wave feminists. Most of them are white.

[–]Yin 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You're not wrong under a small lens but it's more complex.

Blacks and others are also deluded by messaging from the top. Raw aggressive criminal behavior is predominantly genetic but it's also highly influenced by the order of what society allows and promotes from the top.

The top is the globalist elite. That is international central banking.

Those who own the systems set the course of what is and isn't to become staples of society, the new culture.

International banking over western nations is primarily "jewish". The biggest problem is that ownership of wealth (banking) was practically given into the hands of people who don't value traditional/christian cultures, who value much the antithesis, to people who largely want to eradicate non-jewish white cultures to the point they can't form any happily unified existence, out of various forms of resentment and dominance-survival-pathologies that have formed for over 2000 years. Giving banking to what would become an elite predator class was game over. It took 300 years to leverage their banking/wealth into today's international network: where increasingly only sycophantic enterprises, hence mostly jewish/secular, were created and hired and promoted for all of the positions of authority in every major institution and information stream. People are bought and the ones who aren't bought are defeated, cheated, or viciously dealt with.

The entire chain of today's western institutions and brainwashing stems from that elite's perverse value system which seeks total global domination by only them and their appointed technocratic sycophants.

The problem the other whites have is they aren't tribal enough in protecting value systems and in understanding very long term importance of controlling the means of banking and wealth, to maintain ownership over the basis of economies and how people get rich. That's because it's too easy to buy others off. That's because they aren't as tribal. Using mega wealth to create and own prestigious entities and media is easy. Almost everyone has a price and can be tempted with the carrots of access and success or the sticks of failure and excommunication. Simply stated, other folks lacked the same tribalism in the modern era (past 400 years) to protect themselves against a small group of people who are transnationally-minded and highly tribalistic.

Most of the modern wars and "crimes" you speak of (including major aspects of US slavery) but especially modern wars and anti-white crimes stem from that top-down anti-white, anti-christian cultural clash, promoting it and beating new war drums. They literally funded the surgency of communism from the beginning as a political tool to overthrow nations as well as the reactionary anti-coms and subsequent warring. That achieved their goal of a "European Union", one more step to a one-world tyranny government. Most of the middle east crime (politically speaking) and conflict has stemmed from these globalist elites.

Most regular jews are unwitting fodder as are non-jews. The Zionist movement since its inception in the late 1800s has been willing to toss the average white secular jew under the bus just the same as the rest of the population, in order to gain advantage and milk victimhood (notice all of the billions/millions of non-jews who come from slavery/rape/genocides/poverty/famines/harshness/wars around the world yet who don't (and can't) milk victimhood institutionally) as part of their constant-media-promoted identity. Most jews don't recognize they're being used to promote the cool new globalist evil pursuit because it's promoted in line with the "liberal" messaging that makes them feel safer. A very sick dynamic has formed when you have an underclass all becoming anti-whites/anti-christians and willing to defend the very top echelons like the Rothschild banking dynasty, merely because the underclasses fear their jewish identity is coming under attack or their shit brained "liberalism"-in-name-only identity is coming under attack. To examine the impetus of real world power or just a Rothschild or a Marx alike becomes an attack on the whole ("anti-semitic"!) and they're defended irrationally. To notice things becomes a crime. To speak against black on white abuse becomes a crime. To point out their "vax" medical tyranny schemes are poison becomes fully excommunicable. To praise anti-whiteness and let them be abused becomes accepted. Only praising what the top wants becomes accepted.

And what the current top wants is evil.

The New World Order's wealth-power consolidation is being skillfully achieved thanks to that dynamic: tribalism merged with unlimited wealth printing. Crimes of political order mostly stem from that now.