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[–]JewryBTFO 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

(((Zelensky))), Azov's handler, is literally a kike.

Communists like you always make these complicated things to explain world events. For example, they would talk about how NED and CIA and other 3 letter orgs are used to shill for anti-PRC propaganda.

Then it turns out that (((Carl Gershman))), NED's head, is a literal kike.

Why do they keep doing this? It's actually very simple: Jewish subversion is literally the model for 8-nation alliance imperialism. Jews are the #1 supporters of the British Empire - even the British themselves sorta understand that the empire is bad and not worth supporting. Jews overwhelmingly benefit from European Imperialism - they get to run the entire operation, they get to colonize the US, they get Israel back, they get loads of cash.

Who do you think is constantly pushing for European imperialism, from its inception to the end? It's both

1). The Catholic-Royalty Bloc (destroyed by Marx and co)

2). Jews

[–]BravoVictor[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Yeah, and (((Putin))) is a Jew too, who's well loved by Russian rabbis. Many of the "Russian oligarchs" we just sanctioned are Jews who literally fled to Israel. You're so blinded by your Jew hatred, you're not seeing the truth.

Zelensky is a US puppet, and he has little to no control over his own military. He's just a face we need to put to the country to trick people into thinking they're the "good guys". We're paying him and the Nazis just to give Russia a black eye, even if it means thousands of Ukrainians die.

[–]JewryBTFO 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Putin's invasion of Ukraine literally caused all the kikes to fly to Pissrael. It must be some sort of antisemitic chad aura that causes kikes to literally flee your land. We should all aspire to be like Putin, whereby our presence and actions cause kikes to literally run the fuck away to Pissrael.

You know you are doing something right when the kikes all flee to Pissrael and the only kike in the conflict left is that kike "President" in charge of Ukraine.