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[–]BravoVictor[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I'm confused. Is the far right talking point currently that Russia is the good guy?

We destroyed millions of lives by shutting down our economies to stop people from contracting a disease they statistically had no risk of being harmed from.

We've set our own cities on fire and called it peaceful protest.

We've invaded dozens of countries, killing hundreds of thousands of people.

We just got out of a trillion dollar disaster in Afghanistan.

We're still occupying Iraq, despite the Iraqis wanting out. Tens of thousands of civilians died in the first two weeks of the US invasion in 2003. But now we're supposed to be outraged over a Russian invasion every foreign policy expert predicted would happen as a result of our actions to antagonize Russia? And in defense of a Ukrainian government that's horribly corrupt and censoring it's own internal political opposition?

Do you guys have to automatically take the opposite position of the left on every single issue?

When they've proven they're amoral psychopaths who would gladly send thousands of American troops to their deaths to defend corporate America's business interests, yes, it's a safe default position to take. But to be fair, a few neo-cons on the right to are just as bad. Russia may not be the good guys, but they're better than us in many ways. As a people, we're committing slow suicide, and Russia doesn't want to be under our heel when that happens, and I don't blame them.

Foreign policy experts predicted decades ago that if the US meddled in Ukraine and pushed them to join NATO, Russia would invade. What's happening now isn't a surprise. Our government just doesn't give a shit about Ukrainians, and was willing to risk every last Ukrainian life if it meant taking another chess piece away from Russia. That would be life if Russia setup a pro-Moscow puppet state in Mexico, and began arming it. We'd be invading Mexico yesterday.

Why are we supposed to hate Russia? Or Syria? Or Iraq? Or Libya? Why are our troops supposed to die in those countries? Why are we now supposed to Russiaphobic bigots overnight?

I'm not saying I agree with the censorship, but the words "war against Russia" seem to be derived from a single cell organism level of intelligence

Do you always assume those who disagree with you are idiots? That speaks more to your own narcissism than to any intelligence. I'm tired of being an NPC who blindly hates whoever the tv tells me to hate.

We've killed Russia troops in Syria. We've been funding Ukrainian Nazis to help them butcher Russia separatists in Donbass (even though some Congressmen tried to cut funding to it). We're now engaging in economic warfare and are applying more sanctions against Russia than to any country in recent history. Unfortunately, it looks like it'll end up hurting us more than Russia.

Our corrupt rulers have been engaged in a war against Russia for quite some time, and they desperately need you to blindly hate Russia in order to continue the war.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I don't disagree with much of what you said. And no, I don't assume that everyone I disagree with is an idiot. What makes it idiotic to me is when people are anything besides completely against Russia when they are killing civilians. I'm against what Russia is doing and I'm also against what the US has done. I can't think of any reason it'd ever be cool to kill a bunch of innocent civilians. It's as simple as that for me.