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[–]JasonCarswellVoluntaryist[S] 3 insightful - 4 fun3 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

I'm specifying what's genocide.

You haven't specified anything. At all.

Are camps definitively a necessity for a genocide?

What if few in the camps die? There are many examples of non-death-camps.

What if there are no camps? Watch some movies like Hotel Rwanda, The Killing Fields, etc. Of course they make hundreds of Holocaust myth movies but not many about the Holodomor or other similar atrocities, sanctions, wars, etc. (((Zionists))) control the media and (((Zionists))) push their bullshit narratives using Jews as human shields.

Whites are not being massacred in large numbers, nor small numbers.

What about the sheeple who actually voluntarily lined up to get the (((Fauci))) experimental injections that harmed and killed them in large and small numbers because they innocently believed the (((corporate media))) and (((ZOG))) and (((Big Pharma))) LIARS like you?

It's no secret the Five Eyes plus Israel have some dark sites that are fucked up.

Israel is rounding up whites and killing them by the thousands? Tens of thousands? Millions?

Did I say anything like that? Would it matter if they did? They have fucking CAMPS! That alone should fucking set off alarms for every fucking person on this planet, including all Jews, whether the Holocaust is a myth or not.

Australia is locking folks away. Not sure if anyone is being killed - yet.

Then there's no genocide, yet.

THAT WE KNOW OF! I don't think they're going to just announce it to the MSM or alt-media as they are doing it. Shit like that often takes years to uncover - or fabricate. Unless you're omnipotent you need to get your fucking head out of your ass.

Again, when is a good time to scream about the "White genocide"?

  1. Before it happens?
  2. While it's happening?
  3. After it's happened?
  4. Thirty years after it happened?
  5. All of the above?
  6. None of the above?

When whites are being rounded up to be killed. Not just because other groups have a higher birth rate.

Fuck your bullshit limitations on how, when, and why we can or can't sound alarms. You are just another (((ZIONIST SHILL))) (that happens to be a Jew) trying to tell us what to do, and when we should get upset when you're clearly waging war on us - /s/ClassWar, critical gender wars, critical health-sanitation wars, critical race wars, /s/CultureWars, /s/CyberWar, deception, distraction, disruption, division, exploitation, /s/FoodCrises, /s/Gaslighting, /s/InfoWarfare, lockdowns, mandate bullshit, manipulation, manufactured economic /s/Collapse, mask bullshit, New Normal, passport bullshit, /s/propaganda, /s/PsychoWarfare, /s/PsyOps, sanctions, and the /s/WarOfTerror. Go fuck yourself and suffer tremendously for a long fucking time for your evil ways - or better, wake the fuck up and come correct.

100,000,000 Chinese were killed by Mao, who was backed by Skull & Bones Jews.

That was not genocide, those deaths were unintentional. Chinese died due to failed policy, it was not policy to systematically round up Chinese citizens for slaughter. 100,000,000 million Chinese did not die, millions less than 100,000,000 died.

Who needs brainwashed sheeple to be rounded up when the entire prison planet is in flockdown?

(((THEY))) have CENSORED the truth about this scamdemic. Censorship has never been acceptable nor harm preventative. IT IS INTENTIONAL truth suppression to cover up and misinform the masses for the plausible deniability that (((you liars))) need to impose the dangerous experimental injections and the global lockdowns that have far reaching ramifications to the sustainable supply chains. The /s/FoodCrises is coming on fast and hard and does NOT require rounding up, camps, or death squad.

The corporate meda, ZOG, and Zionist Occupied Academia are determined to demonize White men and White culture and import brown people.

That's not genocide. White men are not being round up to be killed.

No one ever said anything about rounding people up. Get it through your fucking head - you don't need to round folks up to kill them... Whatever. You're so full of shit, asstroll.

Cultivating an enemy by demonizing "the enemy" is critical to having enemies at all. Propaganda IS part of warfare. You ARE the problem and you know it. No one fucking said anything about rounding people up but you with your weak fallacious argumentative bullshit. As if people need to be rounded up to be killed.

Clearly you can't recognize the war on White people

The topic at hand is genocide, not "war on white people".

BULLSHIT. You don't get to decide how this is defined. Genocides don't come from nowhere. They start with demonizing propaganda, attacks, and wars, in an escalation that leads to genocide.

Again, when is a good time to scream about ANY genocide?

  1. Before it happens?
  2. While it's happening?
  3. After it's happened?
  4. Thirty years after it happened?
  5. All of the above?
  6. None of the above?

ShalomEveryone is a full of shit enemy of humanity.