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[–]VulptexVoluntaryist 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Benefits everyone else who are happy to live a quite life? To me, stability and predictability is the ultimate value. Stability is the soul of prosperity. Those who rock the boat damage that stability threaten that prosperity: my prosperity.

You are the one who is interrupting others' quiet lives. I don't wish to bother you, you wish to invade my life and force me to conform. My mere existence does not affect you unless I start bothering you, so why do you care? I am not rocking the boat.

This is what bothers me most in the West. Those kinds of abominations. I would also want to eradicate Abrahamic religions, but given the choice of one, I would prioritize preventing LGBT/feminism etc.

Because you don't like it. You have no right to do this. If they bother you, you absolutely have the right to tell them to get out of your face unlike our media tells you, although doing so for no reason would be incredibly mean; but that's all you get to do, control your own life, not theirs. For some reason I'm not surprised you hate Christianity too, even as corrupt as it is in its modern form.

It is up to the whole crowd. If the crowd (society) agrees on something then the few non-conformists should go fuck themselves.

Which is why capitalism is superior. It allows imcompatible types to peacefully coexist, unlike socialism where everyone has to be the same. You are basically advocating for an Orwellian dystopia. And even Orwell was a leftist.

[–]IamCleaver[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

"My mere existence does not affect you unless I start bothering you" True. Innocent until proven guilty. As long as I don't see or hear you breaking social norms I wouldn't care.

"I'm not surprised you hate Christianity too" Why should I like it? A antihuman religion of bronze age savages.

"Which is why capitalism is superior. " Capitalism refers to the control over means of production. Private or public. It has nothing to do with social norms.