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[–]YORAMRWNational Justice Party 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

OK, communist...

I'm by no means a communist, if I was in charge economic policy would still resemble capitalism much more closely than communism, I'm just economically left-leaning. I guess what they have in Scandinavia comes closest to my vision for economic policy.

explain what a "fair share" of taxes is...

At the very least enough to keep society running smoothly and ensure every citizen can live a normal life.

explain why a person that earms $50,000/yr should pay a mere 18% but a person that earns $50,000,000 should pay 50%? How is that "fair"?

Because the quality of life for someone who earns $50 million a year wouldn't be impacted in any negative way by having to pay 50% in taxes, he can still afford to buy all the same luxury he could if he wouldn't pay any taxes, unlike someone who only $50 000 a year for having to pay 18% in taxes. For someone who only earns, let's say, $10 000 a year, even having to pay as little as 5% in taxes could be enough to cause him to be unable to pay his rent or get food on the table. Not that you care about any of this, you're clearly have some sort of antisocial personality disorder.

A "fair share" of taxes means that he pays the exact same percentage of his/her income as every other wage earner in the country.

That's a flat tax, and would either cause society to collapse into a third world shithole because it's so low that the government can't get enough money to keep things running at even a basic level, or it would be so high for low-income people that it would cause a mass epidemic of starvation and homelessness. Again, not like a sociopath like you cares about any of that, of course.

Now, also explain how internet access is a right...

Nothing is technically a right, since rights only exist in pratice if they can be backed up by force. I just think internet access is something that should be available to everything.

internet access is not vital to remaining alive, you cannot DIE if you go three days without reading Reddit or logging into Facebook, so why should it be government controlled and freely given to every person in the country.

With basic necessities I obviously didn't just mean things that are literally necessary to prevent you from dying, but also things that are necessary to live a normal life and function in today's society. Internet access is very much necessary to live a normal life and function in today's society, or even to survive one could argue. Job applications, finance, watching/reading the news, aquiring new knowledge outside of education and staying in touch with friends and family who live far away all usually involve the internet (and if not, other forms of modern communication like phones) in some way or another nowadays.

"All businesses are held responsible to act in the interests of the common people"... please explain what these "interests" are and how they are common to all people.

How about paying their employees decent wages, not lying to their customers, not importing resources/products from abroad when they're available in your own country, not offshoring factories to other countries, not importing migrant workers to replace the native workers, not supporting woke causes like the anti-white agenda and the LGBBQ agenda?

please explain what these "interests" are and how they are common to all people. What you may consider to be important to you may not be of interest to me.

So you admit that you neither give a shit about the inerests of your own people nor about the wellbeing of other people in general? Then why shouldn't we return the favor to you and just cut you out of society completely, making you stateless and blocking access to any public and private services for you? These interests aren't common to scum like you of course, only to normal people. You're just another neoliberal/neocon boomer piece of trash who can only think in black and white and calls anyone who supports any type of progressive taxation or social programs a communist. Ironically enough, your vision for society resembles communism much more closely than mine, since in both communism and your neoliberal capitalism, the elites are above the law and can just endlessly parasite off of the lower classes whereas the lower classes are just considered cattle to be abused, taxed to death and generally exploited.

What if such interests are so expansive that it puts my business out of operation?

If your business is small enough to go bankrupt purely due to the stricter regulations I support, then you should be compensated with tax breaks (or the taxes on businesses should simply be made more progressive so you would have to pay less taxes and bigger businesses would have to pay more to make up for it).

Why shouldn't YOU be required to support my business because not doing so would pu9t workers out of a job and thus violate "their interests"?

If your business goes bankrupt due to your own incompetence even despite the tax breaks given to you, that's just how the free market works I guess. I thought you loved free markets so much, no? Your employees would be able to find another job since I would ban outsourcing and using migrant workers, and even if they didn't they could apply for welfare and live a relatively normal life, and the same thing applies to you after you're out money due to losing your business.