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[–]GConly 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I though you said that was the cause of the increase in IQ of 3 point per decade.

That increase applied across also income groups. A rising tide raised all boats.

No that's not about low socio-economic status being related to low IQ, it's about the heritability of intelligence being decreased in low socio-economic demographic groups.

Yes and every study failed to show lower SES correlated to lower heritability in adults.

There's no good evidence for a difference in intelligence between races.

You mean other than consistently getting a different average score, even when adopted? Other than having different size brains, and differ structure, and differing frequencies in genes we know correlate to intelligence?

And the fact we know damn well selective pressure affects intelligence just as much as any other genetically determined trait.

The ones that people with Autism do better than people without Autism on?

I'm assuming you that misunderstanding got from this (or similar).

Healthy children and adults performed similarly on both the Wechsler and the Raven test. But speaking autistics scored up to 30 percentile points higher on the Raven test than the Wechsler test,

The simple version: non autistic get the same in both kinds of tests. Autistic got much higher on the TPM than the standard, they didn't score higher overall. The standard tests have a lot of verbal stuff in it they find hard to process, but they are better than average at visual spatial and pattern recognition.

The Level and Nature of Autistic Intelligence.)

The autistic adults' Raven's Progressive Matrices scores (M = 83.30 percentile, SD = 19.26) were, on average, more than 30 percentile points higher than their WAIS-III scores (M = 50.38 percentile, SD = 30.57; prep= . 986, d = 1.29).

In contrast, the nonautistic adults’ Raven’s Progressive Matrices scores (M = 81.64 percentile, SD = 16.78) and WAIS-III scores (M = 74.80 percentile, SD = 16.57) did not differ significantly (prep = .852, d = 0.41).

I have HF Asperger's, BTW. I score about 10 points higher on my visual spatial than my verbal because excess testosterone in utero shunted some of my neuro development into VS and pattern recognition instead of verbal/social. There's a reason engineering and physics classes are full of HF Asperger's with minimal social skill and crappy spelling.

Did you actually think autistic people got higher scores than average?