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[–]InvoluntaryHalibut 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

That’s not why people rioted. People are rioting because they are being whipped up in to a racial frenzy by a small number of billionaires that control the MSM to intentionally start a race war.

The fact that about a dozen or so young black men a year like GF— who tick all the boxes of the DSM-V criteria for psychopath/sociopath— are shot while resisting arrest by cops in circumstances that could have gone better is not the problem.

That is an issue that is dwarfed by black crime: tens of thousands of murders, assaults, and robberies every year, mostly on other blacks. That is the elephant in the room. Black lives don’t matter to this crowd, its a scam. A political scam to distract from what the real problems are.

Every single one of these BLM martyrs is a psycho. This Daunte guy found out some girl he was partying with had $800 on her, and he choked her and threatened her until she gave it up. Then he lost bail when he was caught with a firearm. Then he tried to escape arrest in this incident, because he was a psycho. He died because he is a psycho.

But we need more training so that psychos don’t get hurt while trying to elude capture. We need more consequences for cops trying to wrangle psychopaths.

The problem is psychopaths. We can’t have nice things in this country if we let psychos roam free. The quality of your lifestyle is incumbent upon regular collection of psychopaths. Why does the justice system keep releasing psychopaths? There is no cure for what is wrong with these people. Talking to the prison shrink wont fix them. Normal people are not safe around the Ahmaud Arbery’s of this world. Why are the oligarchs lionizing them in the media? Why do you fall for it?

[–]beece 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Involuntaryhalibut, that shit needs to be on th top of the front page. Well spoken. THAT is why Soros is giving money to district attorneys, it is tearing the country apart. Legally.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

while resisting arrest

That's the catch all charge that explains away why cops beat someone. It's wildly abused. If you struggle while they hit you, they call that resisting arrest. And I speak from personal experience here.

I agree it isn't a race thing though. There's, I am sure, a few racist cops out there but in general cops just like to bully people. You never see on the news when they beat up a white guy but they love doing that too.