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[–]LesbianOutlaw 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

When conservatives bitch about the government — really, when anyone bitches about the government — it’s always the federal government. State level taxes are at reasonable rates and provide for most of the infrastructure we use every day, as well as funding the police and the fire department. Federal level taxes on the other hand, take away up to half of your income while coming nowhere close to providing a level of value that justifies that. In the U.S. we don’t even get healthcare provided by the federal government — not until we’re almost dead, anyway. Most Americans resent having to pay so much federal tax to give boomers and only boomers healthcare, fund foreign “aid” to Israel, Pakistani gender programs, and fund a bloated military. We’re tired of our tax dollars being used to drop bombs on brown kids halfway around the world.

If our federal tax dollars didn’t fund a bloated military and all this pork barrel garbage, and instead went into worthwhile things that every taxpayer would benefit from, like a nationwide fiber optic network, Medicare for all ages, and a national high speed rail system — you would see far less Americans bitching about their government and having to pay taxes. Until the government cuts out all the bullshit, I will always be opposed to raising tax rates on any demographic.