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[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Part 2 Sanders

It is as if, the monied interests let the candidates say whatever they want in the primaries as long as the people eventually support whoever the monied interests want in the national election. Could Sanders just be another bonafide Obama?

Now, hypothetically speaking, let's say you vote for Sanders anyway. Registering to vote, excluding the fact that we no longer live under the jurisdiction of the constitution, and excluding the fact that upon birth we receive a social security number, a tag or easily identifiable number, thus fictionally incorporating persons into accounts; and as a result we relinquish our sovereignty just after birth because of the ignorance of our parents in signing this contract, revokes any rights we might of had for privileges handed out by the state. Your vote is a turn away from liberty, freedom and justice.

Voting is akin to filibustering. In that like Rand Paul filibustering, we rely on a single action, however prolonged in believing that said action will fix the issues of our time. The people never once consider that maybe voting or filibustering, say, the Patriot Act, does not really contravene with the corporation of the UNITED STATES. Concerning the processes of the corporation, no matter the obstructions they allow, no matter whether you think your vote will somehow stick it to the man, you are still encouraging the system to flourish, occasionally because you hold partisan views you may not know you have. And why do you have these views? Do these views encourage corruptible men to rule over you?

What is clear is that partisanship creates division and the corporation can use that to its benefit. They want to pit Americans against Mexicans—whites against blacks—straights against gays—men against women—democrat against republican—liberal against conservative, etc. And then, when the time is right they introduce the so-called progressive candidate like Obama or Sanders to encourage unity in a cause they themselves manufactured.

And so I mention Rand Paul before I delve into Sanders, because we are led to believe he loves liberty and freedom, and yet, he has continually promoted Donald Trump and is, in fact, to our surprise, a politician after all. He is a member of an incorporated congress that does not represent the people. Paul is certainly not anti-war nor an isolationist. He called for drone bombing liquor store robbery suspects and bombing Iran. He has proven himself to the warmongers and neoconservative establishment many times.

It is no conspiracy theory that the entire political system is rigged in favor of banks, corporations, the police-state and the war machine, so why, with all the monied interests lobbying an incorporated congress would they not favor such agendas or at the very least allow them to continue unabated.

Bernie Sanders

Progressives, historically pro-central banking warmongers and interventionists for the so-called spreading of freedom, justice and democracy, i.e. the Woodrow Wilson types, have now transformed themselves into the proponents of social change who cannot find their spines when the colonial regime in Israel bombs the crowded ghetto of Gaza. But that is not so much a surprise with Sanders when he is on the list of Israeli-American dual citizens in the USA 114th Congress. And in a DailyBeast article, titled 'Even Left-Wing Politicians Can't Quit Israel,' Sanders states:

"look man—i'm a politician with multiple constituencies—why should I alienate one just so you can write a story?"

Sanders not only defends military contracts that benefit his constituents in Vermont, he also joined the 100 to 0 vote in the Senate to give unalloyed moral and political support to the state of Israel during its most recent bombing campaign against Gaza.

Bernie Sanders is the darling of AIPAC and the right-wing Likud government of Israel..."

(Source: The Myth of Bernie Sanders -

What is plainly obvious is that Bernie Sanders loves to rail against Corporate America and Wall Street but he himself being super rich has nothing to show for it. And on this platform Sanders does nothing to build the base of any independent party of anti-corporate, anti-usury nor anti-Zionist resistance.

And do you seriously believe Sanders or Rand or any other candidate for the corporation of the UNITED STATES for that matter would downsize the USA Department of Defense? Do we hear about any specifics in cutting this spending and dark money?

In July of 2014, a senate resolution was passed to basically strengthen the corporations support for the Israeli government.

Let’s turn this around for a moment: Had the Israeli public been subjected to a massive military crackdown including 369 military incursions into Israel and 110 bombing attacks on Israel during which 11 Israelis had been killed, 78 wounded, and 700 arrested, and then had six Israeli soldiers been killed in a single air and ground military operation, would the Senate have omitted mention of all such facts and voted by unanimous consent that responding Israeli forces were “unprovoked?” Would the Senate have voted that the one attacking Israel was defending itself and that Israeli forces were the ones engaging in “belligerent actions?”

Why did the Senate get this so wrong? Why did Bernie Sanders and Patrick Leahy allow their names to be used for pro-war propaganda so at variance with the facts?

In conclusion, it is evident that Sanders is pro-Israel. His voting record is not as good as people think when it comes to war, and he never speaks out about U.S. funding terror, nor the 9/11 false flag atrocity or anything like that.

If your not talking about the U.S. funding proxies then chances are your not honest or totally duped. He can just hide behind the guise of terrorism or be duped into more greater israel/imperialistic warmongering.