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[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Part 3 Sanders

Bernie Sanders supported NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999. Sanders sold NATO's intervention in Libya as a humanitarian effort to stop the imminent slaughter of civilians in Benghazi. His foreign policy and military policy remain in line with corporate capitalism militarism and imperialism. Sanders signed a blank check for Israel and supported appropriations in Iraq and Afghanistan. So why do so-called progressives continue to support him?

...climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism..."

—Bernie Sanders

^ ^ ^ That's the PsyOp!

...that Climate Change is directly related to terrorism. It is as if Sanders is trying to encompass the blowback theory PsyOp with another PsyOp. Sanders is campaigning hard when it comes to this poorly termed climate change. While the planet is clearly out of harmony, and deforestation rampant, the internationalist climate change agenda vision is not the answer.

Sanders goes right along with this PsyOp. The agenda would encompass climate permit policies and agenda 21/30 plans.

And what about Sanders economic outlook? He is very pro-Keynesian, advocating big government and big government spending.

This plays right into the hands of big oligarchical communist government where people become so dependent on the state. It’s like the state is the centralized engine of society and society can not function without it. Top down power to the max. One could even see the move to a cashless society behind him too. Do we really want more federal government? Could they collapse the economy with him as president to role out a new form of distorted socialism? Or would Trump be the fall guy?

Sanders does not talk about the Federal Reserve, CIA, or any of these rogue entities which as really at the root of the problem. I do not see how anyone is going to solve anything without talking and tackling these issues. Sanders does none of these things.

Obama was a wolf in sheeps clothing, lest we fall for another, like many did with Trump. Appearing as one of us, rallying the people only to turn the other way. If Obama, a pupil of Saul Alinsky could turn around and do everything he said he would not, why would Sanders not do the same? It is a true and tried campaign, will the people fall for it again?

If they plan for Trump to win, then the media could always be purposely rolling out Sanders very slowly so as to appear he is not part of the establishment.

We have to understand the powers that be evolve their plans. I think all real truths know too, that in the end we will save ourselves. No one can do it for us. Especially not a president of a corporation who refuses to acknowledge the 9/11 false flag atrocity event, which was part and parcel of instilling deliberate fear and trauma in the American mind so as to pass unconstitutional legislation, impose preemptive warfare and initiate the 'Global War on Terror' fraud that is still being waged today.

MEMO OF THE DAY: For Histories Sake

Donald Trump does not care if torture works, because they deserve it.

"All of Netanyahu's claims are correct..."


And to think Christians, who supposedly follow the way of Jesus would vote for such a detestable man.

And let us not forget his son Eric Trump, an avid Zionist who compares waterboarding to frat parties. In his Fox and Friends interview Eric states: see these terrorists that are flying planes into buildings, right?"

Little did he know, or does know, all of his Likudnik friends, not muslims, orchestrated 9/11 and the demolition of the twin towers.

And three weeks before 9/11, in a PSYOP article we read:

Food for thought.


This is how dumb Americans can get:

And this is why I say screw the current system.

Appendix 2:

Oliver "Stone" Silverstein, his real name, with billionaires Trump and Soros at a private party hosted by "Dr. Doom."

Oliver Silverstein, supposedly an amazing documentarist failed to disclose his ties to Israeli Likudniks who funded his JFK film which whitewashed Mossad involvement in the assassination of JFK. Arnon Milchan is the person I am here referring to. Michan, a swell Israeli and film producer helped steal US nuclear triggers for the Israeli government.

Bernie Sanders says $3 billion/year in "aid" to Israel

"isn't a heck of a lot of money..."

Bernie Sanders was on a kibbutz in Israel the same year Kennedy was assassinated by Mossad and the CIA.

Bernie completely ignores the fact that Uncle Sam provides Israel with billions in "aid" and loan guarantees.

In 2016, Bernie said he was the only candidate with;

“personal ties to Israel...”

...having spent time there on a kibbutz when he was younger.

Naturally, he supported a “two-state solution,” and praised Israel’s “commitment to civil rights and the rule of law.”

Certainly the Israeli press is fond of Bernie and Trump. Either way, those billions will continue to flow in.

On gun control, Sanders is staunchly against the 2nd amendment and would outright ban rifles including the ar-15; an always reliable and most widely used rifle for home defense, whereas Trump, although making it appear that he is pro-gun has done more for the gun control movement and security niche market than Obama. As Trump once stated:

First, you take the guns away, and then go through due process.

So, Sanders does not sound like he cares too much about the 2nd amendment, but is that not the case with most Zionists?

Sanders would be invited by the CFR to “articulate” his positions on foreign policy issues.

-Rejoin JCPOA

-Two-state solution

-KSA part of the solution

-UN sustainable development

-Threaten Russia w/ sanctions

-Stay politically engaged in Afghanistan

Like Max Blumenthal, Benjamin Norton, Michael Tracey and the other leftist Zionist gatekeepers, including the likes of Noam Chomsky, all who whitewash Israel's involvement in 9/11, propagandizing the official government sanctioned narrative, also promote the falsity of the Free Syrian Army state department propaganda.