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[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The Capitalist elite believe they can control Communism. They want America to become socialist enough so that they have monopolies, while not so socialist that they lose their property. It's a dangerous risk to take, one that never works out in the end.

We can't destroy unions, but we can bring in so many illegal immigrants that you can't organize. We can't make small business illegal but we can raise regulations so that only megacorps can survive. We can't hand trillions to megacorps directly but if we call it economic stimulus and say it's for the little guy then it's totally ok! We can't make speech against megacorps illegal but we can make hate speech illegal and just find a reason to deperson the doubleplus ungood unperson.

You say it best. They just want more profit by turning the US into a socialist country.

Though I don't like unions, because they act as the vector of Communism, and only serve to erode prosperity. They're a symptom of a failed system, not a tool which serves a real function. As a true Corporatist (not Corporate Capitalism) I believe the state should act as an intermediary between the classes.