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[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I don't support the wholesale destruction of any infrastructure or political system. It does have to be dismantled and rebuilt.

I don't support full on socialism, and the only reason my preferred system of government (clan-based democratic monarchy) didn't live into the modern age is because massive empires fucking destroyed them. That's not their fault, that's the fault of the British and the Americans. People can try and say otherwise, but its true. The greatest confederations of clans and tribes didn't fall apart due to massive amounts of malcontents, unlike how America is coming apart due to massive amounts of malcontents. They fell due to wicked wars brought upon them by wicked people.

I don't support BLM or antifa or boogaloo or any of that nonsense. I don't support the political parties, nor do I support the economic system they created. I don't support the glass house. It's going to break, not because evil people are breaking it, but because it's shoddily made. America has too many malcontents to keep going how it is, it'll become far worse in a fascist sense, or it will become "third-world" in most places.

I don't want to live anywhere else either, buts that's just because I was born in this land and I'll see it through to the end. Not because I can go get a job and food from the grocer. You like the west because you are human-centric in your views.