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[–]Aureus[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

By that standard no feminist woman should ever watch The Red Pill (2016) documentary either, no leftwinger should ever watch a documentary by a rightwinger, etc.

Watching is one thing. Agreeing with and endorsing is quite another.

I'm digging up more about the movie you recommended. Apparently it's used in middle and high schools as part of lessons on gender identity. This lesson plan for "The Mask You Live In" would be taught to kids as young as 11-14. It defines gender right away as distinct from biological sex:

Gender Identity - A person’s private sense of and experience with being a boy or man, girl, or woman, or a gender that may or may not correspond with the individual’s biological sex

The lesson plan goes on to offer a quiz for young boys to "grade" their favorite male characters on how much of a role model they are. There are several questions on it, and for each question the character gets a point. Several of these questions are just fine - "The male character is open about his feelings." "The male character nurtures those around him." "The male character is affectionate." Then we get to this:

The male character is gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, or transgender and is not reduced to a stereotype.

That line is real. Pull up the PDF and verify it for yourself. Young boys are being taught that a male who is transgender or "lesbian" is a better role model than one who is not. This belief is being packaged side-by-side with lectures about "expand[ing] the narrow definition of what it means to be a man."

This is directly from educational materials for "The Mask You Live In". It's made by exactly the same feminist group, The Representation Project, run by Jennifer Siebel Newsom, the creator of the film.

I don't assume that Jennifer Newsom is lying. I think she means what she says, and she is a full believer in transgenderism. Even if you do think she is lying, her lies will be taken 100% seriously by the young boys her foundation educates. Why would a feminist who is anti-transgender actively educate young boys that transgender males are better role models?

My title for this thread is "parts of third-wave feminism directly led to the rise of trans ideology". Here is an example of an outspoken feminist, a huge critic of "toxic masculinity", promoting trans ideology - and doing it to middle schoolers, through a foundation she runs. If that's not proof of my earlier statement, I don't know what is.