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[–]quickbeam 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Electronic voting is too is the only thing you needed to say here, though, because every damn vote goes through that system and if you are a person at a high level trying to impact the vote (not some two-bit city council candidate trying to steal their own election) that's the method you use in this day and age. You say "removing boxes" like it's a simple thing that doesn't require coordination. And guess what - you can also remove boxes of votes of people who voted in person! Sometimes you can't even tabulate those votes the day of polling because the machines malfunction. It's overwhelmingly Republicans who have been fucking over votes in recent years though by closing polling stations in key areas and leaving low income or majority minority communities without enough polling stations so that working people have to choose between getting back to their job or standing in line for 5+ hours. Or sometimes so they can't actually get transportation to a close enough polling station. But you guys want to focus on these rare as hell cases of people using ridiculously clunky 20th century methods to steal elections that no one in a real position of power would ever resort to.