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[–]zyxzevn 102 insightful - 9 fun102 insightful - 8 fun103 insightful - 9 fun -  (1 child)

Yes. Election meddling. Big time.

Hilary started the trend to do it so openly. reported about it.
And showed that all tech corporations were cooperating on faking bad news about Trump.
Example: google removed "Cov fe fe" = "I shall stand" from Google-translate.
They also showed that the media were directly helping Hillary, and her workers were starting fights against Trump supporters to make him look bad. Hillary also used Correct-The-Record to massively influence the social media.

A lot of this and more was also released by Wikileaks.
Here is a report of the most damaging emails.
A lot of it could be used to put her in prison, but that never happened.

Yet, Trump won anyway.
And Hillary accused Wikileaks and Trump of cooperating with the Russians,
which led us through a information war of 3 years,
that ended with Muller finding no evidence (because there was none),
and a Wikileaks journalist put in UK-prison (because he also revealed war-crimes).

And right after that we had the Ukraine scandal, where we learned that Biden and his son
was corrupt. Yet Trump was attacked for it. So we got the impeachment circus.
And this ended with Pelosi tearing Trumps speech apart.

Via veritas and whistleblowers we learned that the media and tech companies had planned to do everything
to stop another Trump-presidency. So they are now starting that information war again.

In the mean time they are using the Covid-19 crisis and bad management, to make Trump look bad.
And the political group BLM and the amateur-terrorist -group,
joined them by starting wild riots over one poor addicted person and bad policing.
And they keep on rioting, because they are all completely confused, what they really stand for.

In the mean time the Fed is printing Trillions of dollars for their rich friends,
and nobody really understands where it goes to.

[–]henna_mikata 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I’m not going to argue with most of what your saying, but what makes you say Hilary started the trend? It seemed like there was a ton of pro Trump propaganda and misinformation before the 2016 election, which was said to be Russian trolls and helped sway the election.

It does seem like the opposite is happening now, in a hyper attempt to sway the scales the opposite way.