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[–]cant_even 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Brilliant diversion. Here's why: It distracts from the real government/Google connection while placating rabble-rousers in Trump's 'conservative' fan club and the "grass-roots antitrust movement".

DARPAGoogle isn't about to be "broken up" by the government: It provides value to government that would be impossible to duplicate in a bureaucracy. Google/YT, plus their buddy FaCIAbook, are functioning exactly as designed. They:
1. Act as the premier data-vacuum and honey-pot to attract and compile data on 'troublemakers'.
2. Perform Ministry-of-Truth thought-shaping, gatekeeping and propaganda-dissemination while posing as "private companies".

Another aspect of their monopoly-behavior which will be intentionally overlooked by any "trust-busting" media-circus is their bullying of "web standards bodies". This is specifically aimed at neutering Mozilla and other companies who throw up obstacles to their dominance.