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[–]EDDIESPAGHETTI 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Is that some kind of metaphor?

yes, i suppose that it is a metaphor.. similar to if someone says that they will knock your head off and shit down your throat..


san francisco used to be cool as hell.. you had the whole gay thing going on and then you had the hippie crowd up in the haight ashbury..

but no more... oh no.. they will knock you the fuck out and pee in your butt.

the latino bull gangsters have a tactic that is very effective to intimidate someone, and this actually happened to me just before my friend told me that stuff about peeing in your butt... the latino bulls will see you and just start walking directly towards you like he is a charging bull.. it is quite intimidating.. if you get charged like this, and you dont move quickly to get out of his way... if you just stand your ground, he will come up and knock you out.

check out this youtube short video, a san francisco resident explains to you what i just said.