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[–]tootie 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

That's a generalization that assumes all home schooled kids are raised exactly the same way. I have cousins who weren't socialized properly because their parents suck, but they didn't do any better in public school. Now with the internet it's easier than ever to arrange group outings for kids that are much healthier than what they experience in public schools. Why the hell would public schools be the only way that kids could socialize? That makes no sense and is patently untrue in my experience. All my most positive memories of spending time with friends happened outside of those glorified prisons for kids. This bullshit notion that it's natural to send your kids away for the majority of the day to have their minds filled with crap by people they don't know is insane and something people buy into only because it's all they've ever known. That's not a natural situation, and it's not for anybody's own good. And spare me this shit about toughening them up. Again that's something parents can see to in a much healthier way if they so choose. If you want your kids to suffer because you did, go for it, but literally every other option is provably superior.