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[–]grammaroo 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (9 children)

this is literally the degeneracy of the heterosexual male. this man is 100% pure heterosexual and doesnt have a molecule's worth of homosexuality within him. he "identifies" as lesbian. over 80% of "transexuals" in the 70's used to be straight men. im pretty sure it's probably over 95% now. So many people think these are just gay men who are now "turbo gay" but thats not the case. theyre highly repulsed by men and just fetishize women.

[–][deleted]  (8 children)


    [–]weirdthorn 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

    [–]CANDYASSES[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

    this is creepy.

    (this message has been approved by bardfinn)

    [–]grammaroo 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

    im pretty surprised that most people dont know this but i guess i can just give you a run down of these people, where they come from and how social scientists "discovered" them. The origins of transexuality are to "fix" gay children. In multiple countries, we "trans" gay/lesbian children. In iran, if you're exposed as being gay, your options are death or "transing". It's just that we dont know what to do with homosexual children and have no real understanding of them. Gay children growing up to be brainwashed to believe theyre really just girls in guy's bodies is our fault because we create this environment to make them believe this. Fine. Theyre harmless and annoying.

    1970's: Every single human being, even gays and lesbians believed that ALL transexuals were obviously gay men. That it was impossible for this type of degeneracy to even touch heterosexual men. And even if they said they were heterosexual, they were obviously in denial and we just need to give them time. A scientist named Ray Blanchard (what they consider to be satan himself) found it out and decided to start tracing and documenting these people that wanted to "transition". This is in the 70's..the fucking 70's and in the 1970's, 70% of the people who wanted to transition were heterosexual males. So imagine what the ratios are NOW. Theyre most likely 98%. Ray Blanchard's main work which sets the standard for the study of transexuality was to shove a bunch of straight men and straight women in an MRI machine with gay men and compared their brains/brain structure. He found that in the sexually dimorphic parts of the human brain, homosexual male's brain shapes in the dimorphic parts resembled that of a female. So it was understandable why THOSE people would be brainwashed into thinking theyre women. HE took as many "AGP men" like bardfinn and kept shoving them into the MRI machine and not a single one of them was dissimilar to the regular heterosexual men. So he developed 2 categories: HomoSexualTranSexual ( boys brainwashed to think theyre girls because theyre feminine) and AutoGynoPhile(AGP males...straight men who get off and fetishize femininity to the point where it consumes them and they enjoy the humiliation and destruction of femininity but the "target" of their sexuality is inversed and loops back onto their own bodies..literally destroying themselves with a fetish.

    Gays and Lesbians would let these people into their communities and again, assumed it was impossible for a straight man to be transexual. Even they had trouble understanding this but decade after decade, they slowly developed personal experiences with them and slowly started understanding that theyre not gay and that they genuinely wanted to fuck the lesbians. The more power they got, the more "space" they infiltrated, they became more emboldened and started saying, "we're not just transexual women...we're lesbians trapped inside a straight man's body". Lesbians and Gays spit out their drinks in horror but it was too late. They infiltrated every single gay lobby group there was and turned all the political power AGAINST gays and lesbians to take over their infrastructure and communities. They then used the homosexual community as a launching pad to throw missiles at the female lobby groups and political organizations and took over THEIR organizations as well. Bardfinn identifies as a "lesbian". He's a man who wants to fuck women so he must be a lesbian.

    Gays and Lesbians are a very small minority. They barely have the proper numbers and their activism (although annoying) usually relies on the people who give birth to them..heterosexuals and their sympathy. Now imagine the homosexual community that quietly tolerated a few straight men into their community who "identified" as lesbians. Fine. Weird. Whatever. Now imagine gays and lesbians slowly being outnumbered by these people and taking over their communities and using their social capital to harass heterosexuals for unnecessary things that homosexuals dont even agree with. Thats the situation theyre in right now with the gender ideology garbage. It's greatly aggravating to's coming from the gay community but the gays/lesbians dont even agree with it.

    In the "reddit wars", these AGP people hijacked all the lesbian subs, shut them down and the most popular subreddit for lesbians (after 5 of the biggest lesbian subs got banned) is "actuallesbians". Guess how many of their mods are AGP straight men who "identify" as lesbians? ALL except one...who's a bisexual woman and not even a lesbian. Yes, ALL except 1 are literally fucking Straight men who "identify" as lesbians. they call themselves "transbians"...transexual lesbians lol.

    Same with the LGBT sub. the most popular portal to all the ecosystems of gay and lesbian subs. GUess how many of the mods there are AGP men? The majority of them. It's not even a gay or lesbian sub. Remember when reddit shut down to protest that pedophile scandal of the LGBT subs? Guess who was at the center of the scandal? ALL AGP men. This is why you'll find gay and lesbians just wanting to politically separate from these people.

    there's way more to this but these AGP moderators are "super mods" so they control over 80 gay and lesbian subs and only do so not because they love gays and lesbians so much but to make sure they can politically infiltrate them and kick out anyone who basically goes "what in the fuck are these people doing here". The most censorious and toxic subs on reddit are the gay ones except for one: "aslgaybros" but bardfinn CONSTANTLY brigades that sub non stop with his "againsthatesubreddits" users to try and paint it as neo nazi.....a gay sub painted as neo nazis because trolls keep baiting gay people with trans questions saying: "do you think trans women are women?" and every single comment just very, VERY kindly says "no. sorry. i dont think being a woman is a social identity and this goes against gay rights"..and they run back to bardfinn to say "we have proof...PROOF that gays are like neo nazis! Look what they said about trans people!"

    [–]CANDYASSES[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    the above message has been referred to [BARDFINN] for review.

    [–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

    1970s MRIs? Their tech was shit then.

    [–]grammaroo 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children) he started documenting how they identified back then and they identified as lesbians. Theyre straight men who "identified" as women but wanted to fuck women so they MUST be lesbians then. i dont even think there were MRI machines back then. but thats when his research started and he's the foremost expert in his field.

    [–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    Theyre most likely 98%. Ray Blanchard's main work which sets the standard for the study of transexuality was to shove a bunch of straight men and straight women in an MRI machine with gay men and compared their brains/brain structure

    So what year is that?

    I'm not being deliberately difficult, there's issues with MRIs.

    [–]grammaroo 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    you're not being difficult and it's my fault for not being so articulate because i didnt want to type out an encyclopedia. It's just scientific research that has been built on over and over and over again. I just typed in "Ray Blanchard MRI" and the first thing that popped up is more experiments proving his theory from much later dates. here's one from 2011:

    it's just that he "got the ball rolling". Homosexuals truly have "intersexual" brains and i guess scientists are fascinated by them. Theyre obviously not women inside a man's body but their brain shares far more similarities with heterosexual women than they do with heterosexual men. But when these new, magical type of "transexuals" started popping up, it piqued the curiosity of many researchers and they've shown absolutely no similarity to homosexuals in any way and no dissimilarity to heterosexual men. This is genuinely an extreme fetish and it "feels good".

    There's also a more recent article from 4 years ago thats more definitive that i can try and find again but Ray Blanchard gets the credit for this stuff because most of his colleagues were laughing at him for believing these men as they said they were genuinely attracted to women and werent homosexual at all.