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[–]ReeferMadness[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Privileged elites think what they will to disown any responsibility in every place and time,

Your world view is constrained by the incorrect presupposition that white people (the privileged) are in fact responsible for things they are not. This is an entirely racist, illogical, and self serving construct.

you are wrong to attribute the bitterness of the underclass to propaganda and selfishness.

While it is certainly normal for people to naturally conclude that those who are rich and powerful are somehow responsible for thier problems, that is both not exactly the modern widespread conclusion and when bathed in propaganda of the same nature it is absurd to conclude that these beliefs originated anywhere other than that propaganda.

To address the first point, in an environment without propaganda one would never conclude that it is white people at large who are the culprits. That is insane. Yet all the propaganda and rhetoric use that exact language. Blaming white people, only to later claim that they never meant to blame the homeless white person when called out on the absolutely obserdity of thier claims.

To address the second, in as far as it is logical to conclude that the powerful who make decisions that effect everyone have some impact on everyone's life it is none the less illogical to blame all your problems on them. That claim has to be rigorously defended, and none of them are. They are defended with censorship and name calling.

And that blame of the powerful has to be placed only with those who personally have that power and not to extend that to an entire race.

The practice of blaming white people on the premise that white people are powerful is abhorrent racism, and objectively absurd. Not least of all because the vast majority of wealth and power in this country, and all western countries, is in the hands of Jewish people who do not consider themselves to be white. And not only to they not use thier power to benefit whites as is claimed by the propaganda, but in fact use that power to attack whites. There is no shortage of evidence that the jews in power are perpetrating a soft genocide against whites.

But I suspect you are fully aware of this and revel in it. Aware of the fact that you are a cog in that machine. Aware that everything you spew is bullshit propaganda, and you revel in it. Proud to be a part of the attack against whites becaus of the brainwashing that causes you to hate them, while knowing it is bullshit but lacking the intelligence to understand that you should not believe it yourself because it is bullshit.