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[–]fred_red_beans 8 insightful - 5 fun8 insightful - 4 fun9 insightful - 5 fun -  (0 children)

Snopes is for dopes!

Snopes is just part of the MSM propaganda machine.


The "head of Pfizer research" said the COVID-19 vaccine developed by the pharmaceutical company "is female sterilization."


Wodarg and Yeadon stated that the Pfizer vaccine blocks a protein that is key in the formation of the placenta in mammals, and they claimed that it’s possible women who receive the vaccine could become infertile.

So it's not sterilization, but women may become infertile...

and the difference is....

Oh, I see - they're not trying to sterilize anyone, it's just one of those rare adverse reactions.

If you need a fact checker to make a decision, perhaps those facts just elude you in the first place.