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[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 3 fun1 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

we are on a piece of rock hurtling through space-time. We've had an ice age 'recently' (in geological time). When all the glaciers were crossing North America, carving out the landscape, when they all began to melt, if humans had been around there would be mass panic. Except here we are and we're all fine. The evil people of the world are still kicking themselves that they weren't around to capitalize on the fear of the people during those uncertain times.

The Earth shifts, moves, wobbles, it's a fucking hunk of rock flying through space. Humans are not the cause of 'global warming', that is simply political rhetoric. The common man has no use for scientific climate data, so it has been seized-upon by the tyrannical deep state government. In fact did not all the nations 'delete' their climate change data in recent years? No longer public information.

The planet will go through many various phases over the next few hundred / thousand years. It's only a few lifetimes for humans, but when you control the perception of time ("4 more years!") it's a powerful political wildcard and bargaining chip. The Powers that Be (Lizard People, most likely) have politicalized and monetized and assigned blame (spoiler: you are to blame) for the ordinary wobble and vastly varying nature of the Earth's climate since it changes slowly across the aeons.

just kidding... it's your fault. [oil tanker spills] "watch that carbon footprint, bro." [volcano erupts] "you should have used a re-usable straw!"

When the asteroid was heading toward Earth, about to wipe out the Dinosaurs, Mrs. Dinosaur said to Mr. Dinosaur, "Well this is what you get for not voting for the Stegosaurus Party. I hope you're happy now. I saw on Dinosaur TV this is all your fault!"

rinse, repeat.

can I go to Mars yet?

edit: what else is on Dinosaur TV? Rock Music.