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[–]fred_red_beans 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Maybe hysteria?

The WHO, CDC, and the media were all touting a mortality rate that had no basis in reality.

As I posted a month ago:

The CDC uses an additional 36 million estimated cases for seasonal flu.

22,000 deaths from flu divided by 222,000 confirmed flu cases equals a 10% death rate for seasonal flu.


22,000 deaths from flu divided by 222,000 confirmed flu cases PLUS 36,000,000 estimated flu cases equals 0.1% (actually 0.06%)

There was no data to support their 3.4% or 4% mortality rate as they were not taking any asymptomatic or non-reported cases into account when they knew damn well those additional cases were there. Instead they were using deaths over confirmed cases only. As this false mortality rate was knowingly spread, one must assume the intent was to mislead and cause hysteria to lead to the worldwide lockdown we are now seeing.