all 6 comments

[–]nygal[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

The government is not legitimate.

The globalists give campaign donations and cushy job promises to politicians to run up the debt, start wars, and make laws that enslave Americans. The Gestapo enforces the decrees. Americans obey the laws.

The only reason the system works now is that everyone thinks the government is legit. If no one obeyed, the system would crumble.

The government and illegal aliens don't obey the law. Why should Americans?

You cannot vote for freedom because the US is not a democracy.

The election machines can be hacked.

You wouldn't pay money to the mafia. Why should you give money to the government?

Don't get marriage licenses, birth certificates, business licenses, passports, driver licenses, or fishing licenses. Don't register for the draft or fill out census forms.

Don't obey the law. If straws are illegal, use a straw. If baseball hats are illegal, wear a baseball cap.

Stop paying taxes.

The elites can't kill us all. There are not enough jails.

Drop out today. Go Galt. Go off the grid.

Americans shouldn't walk around like everything is fine when the US is bankrupt warmongering police state.

Silence means consent.

The blood from US wars and tyranny is on your hands. Don't you feel any guilt? Is anyone responsible for anything?


Pass the word.

[–]AllStr8SexIsRape 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Absolutely everyone the US ever declared war on did something to provoke us.

[–]Nemacolin 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Applying capitalism to modern America would be a very large change. Any such move would be opposed by our hereditary ruling class.

[–]EndlessSunflowers 1 insightful - 3 fun1 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 3 fun -  (1 child)

Wait, I know this, let me guess, money will trickle down on the poor, lol, like piss

[–]EndlessSunflowers 1 insightful - 3 fun1 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

The wealthy elite are really fucking regular joe's up with this shallow love of money

[–]nygal[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


Communism didn't work. What country is this?

The government is not your daddy. The government is not your mommy.

Can't private companies invent vaccines? Did the government invent telephones, cars, and airplanes?

Does government welfare help Indians and blacks get rich?

Would businesses that segregate lose customers?

Did FDR fix the Depression or make it worse? Can recessions fix themselves?

Did Americans just sit around and wait for FEMA to help them after the 1906 San Francisco earthquake?

Did people starve in 1776 when there were no food stamps?

Is the government Santa Claus?

Instead of talking to people who bother them, educating people, suing people, or just moving away, Americans think the only possible solution to any problem is a decree and force now.

Instead of loving freedom and allowing others to live as they want, Americans have become busybody control freaks.

Americans do not realize that if you don't allow others to do something then they lose the freedom to do it themselves.

If you forbid others from living in a tiny home then neither can you.

If you forbid others from owning a dog then neither can you.

If you forbid others from being a fag then neither can you.

If you allow others to own a gun then so can you.

If you allow others to read a Bible then so can you.

If you allow others to smoke marijuana then so can you.

If you allow others to work for $1 per hour then so can you.

Americans falsely think problems can magically be fixed by decrees now. Airlines are regulated, but there are still plane crashes. There are seatbelt laws, but people still die in car accidents.

Americans think having a piece of paper proves that you are safe.

There are medical licenses, but doctors still make mistakes. Business licenses don't prove that you will get good customer service. Driver licenses don't prove that you will never have an accident. A degree doesn't mean that you're smart. A pardon doesn't mean that you'll never murder someone.

The 1% says we must have pilot licenses, business licenses, driver licenses, and fishing licenses, but no one points out that there was a time when people could fly, run a business, drive, and fish safely without state permission. Documents can be forged and officials can be bribed, too.

The only way that you can prove if someone can do something is if they can do it.

Should a stateless person who had stateless parents and was born on a boat in the ocean be jailed forever if they arrive in the USA?

Instead of lowering wages that cripple the ability of the USA to compete on the world market, Americans think the US should increase the minimum wage and start a trade war by enacting tariffs.

One problem with ruling by decree is that there are unintended consequences.

Making everything illegal fills prisons that lead to higher taxes.

The elites sell every new decree by using the worst case scenario and spin it as a minor temporary law that only affects Muslims, junkies, sex offenders, homosexuals, illegal immigrants, the mentally ill, or blacks. The 1% doesn't mention that the law will become permanent and more draconian.

The 1% says the minimum wage must be increased, but no one questions if higher minimum wages will slow the economy or increase prices.

The ruling class says a wall must be built to stop illegal aliens, but no one thinks that the US used to have open borders. No one wonders if a wall will be used to keep Americans in, not to keep illegal immigrants out.

The 1% says airbags must be added to cars, but no one mentions that airbags kill people.

The ruling class say masks must be banned and then Americans are shocked that people die from the flu.

The elites say we must have electronic voting machines, but no one asks if electronic voting machines can be hacked.

The 1% says companies must have bailouts to prevent a recession, but no one mentions that the economy will recover without bailouts.

The ruling class says doctors must have licenses, but no one wonders if regulations increase health care costs.

Our overlords say guns must be banned, but no one points out how will you protect yourself without a gun.

The globalists say protests must be banned, but no one questions how can people resist tyranny without protesting.

The ruling powers say newspapers must be shut down to prevent fake news, but no one wonders if the government would tell the truth without a free press.

The 1% says carrying cash or depositing less than $10,000 in your own bank account must be illegal to prevent drug use, but no one questions how can you live when everything is a crime.

The elites say drugs must be banned, but no one points out that alcohol prohibition led to more crime.

The 1% says that we must have a trade war to help the economy, but no one mentions a trade war made the Great Depression worse.

Our overlords say that we must buy car insurance, but no one wonders how many drivers have a vested interest in crashing their cars.

The ruling powers says we must have food stamps, but no one mentions that private charities can provide welfare.

The elites say that the US must close mosques and have TSA groping, CIA torture, kill lists, and NSA wiretapping to stop terrorism, but no one points out that the US has a Bill of Rights.
