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[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (26 children)

Having concerns surrounding the future of social care is valid. Flaunting statistics drawn from prediction models that are not very accurate, and concluding that the solution is to request an influx of migration is not an intelligent argument.

[–]Hematomato 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (25 children)

It's totally unncessary to "request" an influx of migration. The needs of the professional class create jobs, especially as they approach old age.

All you have to do to fill them... is let people take them.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (24 children)

There are several things that bug me with the idea that immigration is a simple answer to a complex problem:

  1. Is there a change in market causing the gap in skilled workers? We have to acknowledge that markets cannot remain the same in every location on a perpetual basis. Job requirements change with local requirements, with business, with economy, with technology. It may simply be that some work has to be shifted elsewhere.

  2. Is the education system pushing for such an egalitarian environment that there is little encouragement to take up professions where skill gaps exist? If there is a push to, or uptake of skills that are in lesser demand, then action can be taken to resolve this at an academic level. Apprenticeships work, for example.

  3. Society is changing, will continue to change, and will eventually lead to different skills being required. This doesn't automatically mean you must import humans to perform a task if you have humans at your disposal. It reeks of bad management.

  4. A declining population does not automatically determine a need to import humans to fill the gap. A failing population will decline no matter how many replacements you seek unless you address the problems that started it. If young people are leaving the country, what incentive is there to bring them back or keep them? If there are social issues preventing young people raising families, are there unreasonable pressures on them to undertake further education, to get a career, afford a house, etc.

Just to name a few. That's not to say I disapprove of immigration in general, especially across northern Europe where cultures are similar and work ethic is shared, but the current climate in Germany is to encourage further uptake of those who are more likely to drain the welfare system than contribute to either the skill base of the workforce or a healthy population.

[–]Hematomato 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (23 children)

I'm American, and I don't know much about the intricacies of immigration in Europe.

In the U.S., it's actually extremely simple: without immigration, we can't feed ourselves. With immigration, we eat, and without immigration, we starve.

I remember an interview I saw with a farmer about ten years ago, where a journalist demanded to know why he didn't hire U.S. citizens to harvest his crops. And he shrugged and said: "Every year, I put ads in the papers, on the Internet, and in ten different buildings. And in the last twenty years, exactly one U.S. citizen has applied for this job. I hired him, and he lasted three weeks."

Here in America, with our "every citizen's child must go to college and get a degree" philosophy, we have no shortage of skilled labor. What we don't have even close to enough of is unskilled labor.

So we are completely dependent on immigrants to feed us, to take our trash to the dump, to build and maintain our houses, to clean up after us, to watch our kids and take care of our parents... and then we get super pissed off that they exist in our country.

[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (14 children)

It's a very different situation in Europe. The UK has welcomed people from many nations, be it the Caribbean, India, Europe and elsewhere. There have been occasions in the past where employment was sought for skills, but primarily we began seeing larger numbers of migrants from around 2008 onwards.

Those who travel from Europe especially increased in large numbers, but they work, they pay taxes and contribute to society.

What we experience in Europe though, is massive numbers of fake refugees from Arab and North African countries, and even peaceful nations such as Albania claiming to be a refugee to seek free housing, free healthcare and free welfare payments. They cheat the system and the liberal leadership of the EU limits how we can depart and control illegal migrants.

When you increase a country's population, for example from 66m to 68m in a few years without adding to the job market, not able to keep up with building houses, not able to support infrastructure, with an NHS that's crippled from serving those who don't pay for it, a tax payer who experiences lower wages from mass migration of low skilled workers, it damages every aspect of life.

I've watched as my locality has gone from stable and comfortable, to bursting from the seams as they rush to build over 25,000 houses in a 10 mile radius, and every house sells or rents before it's even built. I had to get 5 promotions to maintain the same wage in the 2010's due to inflation and crappy supply and demand of staff. There's always a thousand people out there who will take your job for half the pay because in Romania they earn a fraction. No e of the money those leeches earn is fed back into the community, they send it home.

We have tens of thousands arrive on boats each years, they film themselves on tiktok throwing their passport into the sea to claim free housing when they arrive, wearing designer clothes and carrying iPhones. 99% men arrive. Europe has seen massive increases in violent crime, rape and antisocial behaviour due to Muslim migrants. Albanians and Romanians bring organised crime and sex trafficking. It's a mess.

Frankly, if migration is not reduced in Europe soon, Europeans will begin moving en mass elsewhere and abandon the shit tip that it's becoming.

[–]Hematomato 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (13 children)

Frankly, if migration is not reduced in Europe soon, Europeans will begin moving en mass elsewhere and abandon the shit tip that it's becoming.

I feel like you already did that. My entire country is Europeans who threw up their hands and said "Fuck this shit tip, I'm going west." ...well, them and the descendents of their slaves.

Right now my country is in a panic because so many of the descendents of the English and Germans don't want to live in the same neighborhoods as the descendents of the Spanish. A hundred twenty years ago it was "Fuck the Polish and the Irish right to death; they are the worst people the world has ever seen. They are stupid, they smell terrible, and they breed like rats."

But it's always been the same thing, really. Poor Europeans coming over to do shit jobs for rich Europeans and getting spit on for having the audacity to do that. See, we don't really have any native inhabitants here to argue over, because, you know, y'all slaughtered them.

[–]MagicMike 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (12 children)

Europeans and NE Asians are superior to all others, in terms of being genetically intelligent and law abiding. Hispanics are a notch down except for Argentinians (lot of Italian ancestors). Black people are generally like the untouchables in India. We therefore need some sort of caste/varna system based on IQ, where the most intelligent from each caste can move up, with NE Asians and Whites being like the Brahmins. If a Hispanic person is smart enough to move up, they can become Brahmin. Blacks will mostly be Shudras or Dalits (untouchable). Has worked in India for 3000 years.

Here’s 5 years of ACT Data, showing on page 10 for race.

[–]Hematomato 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (11 children)

Intelligence isn't quantifiable, and we've known the IQ system is little better than pseudoscience for about 75 years.

I most certainly prefer equality of opportunity to a caste system.

[–]binaryblob 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (10 children)

Intelligence is quantifiable. Besides the IQ system many other alternatives exist. Read a couple of PhD theses on the subject and we can talk.

[–]Hematomato 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (9 children)

Intelligence is not quantifiable. Creating a statistic called "intelligence" and trying to apply it to someone's ability to solve any specific problem is like creating a statistic called "athleticism" and trying to apply it to someone's ability to shine on the pommel horse.

[–]Mcheetah 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

So we are completely dependent on immigrants to feed us, to take our trash to the dump, to build and maintain our houses, to clean up after us, to watch our kids and take care of our parents... and then we get super pissed off that they exist in our country.

I don't think most Americans really dislike immigrants. What they dislike, are illegal immigrants, and even that isn't a 100% full thing. They dislike illegal immigrants because they take away taxes from Americans, and generally commit crime and disrespect the country they snuck into. Skilled immigration no one has a problem with. Respectful, English-speaking immigration no one has a problem with. What Americans have a problem with, are unskilled, crime-committing, non-English speaking shitstains from Mexico coming over and causing more problems while Liberal asshats give them free tax money so they can exploit their relatives as slave labor.

Nobody is saying jack shit to the Indian IT guys and med students coming to America, and actually, you know, helping to make things better instead of worse. At the very least, the Mexicans sneaking into America can bother to fucking learn English. That personally is what pisses me off the most; such utter disrespect.

And I say all of this as a US citizen living in Asia right now. It's a simple matter of being respectful and grateful to the place you're living in. You're trying to instead make it an issue of "Americans so racist!"

[–]Hematomato 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

They dislike illegal immigrants because they take away taxes from Americans, and generally commit crime

These are just myths. First-generation immigrants have lower arrest rates than native-born citizens, and on aggregate pay more in taxes than they receive in benefits.

At the very least, the Mexicans sneaking into America can bother to fucking learn English. That personally is what pisses me off the most

If a dirt-poor immigrant is willing to pick my produce for $8/hour because no one who speaks English is willing to do that, I'm not exactly gonna be pissed that he didn't manage to first take a correspondence course at his local community college.

His English will certainly improve over time, and considering that about 13% of the country speaks Spanish, it's probably a little shameful that my own Spanish sucks so much.

But, shameful or not, I'm not required to talk the way that pleases any given person. The thing about First Amendment is that we all have the freedom to speak nothing but Klingon if we feel like it.

[–]Mcheetah 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

These are just myths.

How?! I know what you're trying to argue and trying to say that illegal immigrants commit less crime, but that's false. The reality is, illegal immigrants have less reported crime convictions. You know, cause they're illegal? If you were to actually take the percentage of crimes committed in the same area among native citizens, legal immigrants, and illegal immigrants, and all had the same reports and records, then illegals commit much higher crime, overall. Which is basically common sense, considering crossing the border is illegal and they have no incentive to follow the law anyway, cause they are already under the radar and undocumented.

I'm not exactly gonna be pissed that he didn't manage to first take a correspondence course at his local community college.

The problem is, you're conflating some of the hard-working illegal immigrants (who usually do want to learn English, so they can get higher paying jobs) with the problem-causing, lazy, crime committing ones, who don't feel a need to improve, integrate, or do anything to earn their stay, because of Democratic fuckwits protecting them at every given moment and using the "racism" defense at every turn.

This is basically a difference in age; those over 35 tend to be more respectful and hard-working, but the ones under 35, are the worst ones; the ones in gangs, who have guns, who commit crimes, who have bastard children and anchor babies, and who cause the most problems. More young people sneak into America than the middle-aged farmers and day laborers. Though quite a few older people sneak in, as well. Most Mexican illegal immigrants are between 25 to 40, and have no formal education. Most of them are going to be the ones under 35 who commit crimes, cause trouble, and never bother to learn English.

The thing about First Amendment is that we all have the freedom to speak nothing but Klingon if we feel like it.

Yeah, and nobody is obligated to protect a disrespectful piece-of-shit illegal immigrant/criminal who wipes their ass with the American flag and thinks they can shit all over the native people of said country, as well. Also, the First Amendment only applies to citizens, not people who unlawfully enter the country. And no, don't try to turn this into a "what about the Indian natives?" whataboutism, as if any of that has to do with the modern time.

As I said, people would be more willing to at least deregulate legal immigration and make it easier if we didn't have fucking shitstains and human filth sneaking into the US and causing way more problems for the people living there. And you completely agree with these people doing it, for nothing else except that it kinda sorta benefits you, or you are a immigrant yourself, thus have no reason to respect the native country or its people, which it sounds like you are. So don't expect any sympathy or tears when Americans living on the border had had enough of the disrespectful shit going on, get armed, and start becoming vigilante border patrol, while Democratic leaders turn a blind eye to their American constituents who voted them into power. All you're doing is stroking the flames of tension and civil disagreement, instead of trying to have things work in a respectful, orderly, lawful way.

I told you, I'm an American living in Southeast Asia right now. I can't tell you how much bullshit I have to go through with visa paperwork and immigration documentation. America has way less shit to go through for legal immigrants than they do here. So to have people just say "fuck all the skillful, hard-working immigrants who hope to actually help make America better; let's just invite in all the criminal trash who'll never bother to integrate, learn English, or actually contribute to society" really rubs me the wrong way.

It's disrespectful to the native people of the country AND the actual skilled immigrants who legally enter the country as students and educated workers. Why would I even bother getting a Visa to work in South Korea when I could just take a boat onto here and get free handouts while retards support me breaking the law and raising taxes to cover up all the shit and problems I'd be causing?

We could easily make legal immigration far easier and streamlined for skilled workers who want to come into America and have those few hard-working Mexican immigrants earn a living wage as LEGAL immigrants, but instead, people like you and Leftists would rather have a bunch of Spanish-speaking MS-13 shitstains fuck up a country with enough issues as it is, all so you can save a few pennies on your squash and tomatoes at the supermarket with slave labor. Tell me you're an upper-middle class Progressive Democrat, without telling me you're an upper-middle class Progressive Democrat.

[–]Hematomato 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

How?! I know what you're trying to argue and trying to say that illegal immigrants commit less crime, but that's false. The reality is, illegal immigrants have less reported crime convictions. You know, cause they're illegal? If you were to actually take the percentage of crimes committed in the same area among native citizens, legal immigrants, and illegal immigrants, and all had the same reports and records, then illegals commit much higher crime, overall. Which is basically common sense, considering crossing the border is illegal and they have no incentive to follow the law anyway, cause they are already under the radar and undocumented.

There is no way to know how many crimes any given group commits. There isn't even any way to know how many crimes any given person commits. How many have I committed? I don't know, but I'm sure it's in the tens of thousands. I can't even count the number of times I've had a beer in a passenger seat, or parked my RV on a residential street overnight, or downloaded copyrighted material, or smoked weed, or sent a corporate e-mail without an unsubscribe link, or ordered spoons that were too small (yes, that one was a felony), or committed one of the thousands of crimes I don't even know about.

All there is, is arrest statistics. So what American racists do, is they look at black people and say - "Higher arrest statistics! Therefore: more crime!" And they look at undocumented immigrants and say - "Lower arrest statistics! But: more crime! Because, you know, common sense?"

This is basically a difference in age; those over 35 tend to be more respectful and hard-working, but the ones under 35, are the worst ones; the ones in gangs, who have guns, who commit crimes, who have bastard children and anchor babies, and who cause the most problems.

It is vastly more common for second-generation immigrants - who are English-speaking American citizens - to be gang members. Mom and Dad come over to escape a life of poverty by washing dishes and cleaning toilets; and Junior starts comparing himself to his friends and saying: wait a minute, this is poverty.

Yeah, and nobody is obligated to protect a disrespectful piece-of-shit illegal immigrant/criminal who wipes their ass with the American flag and thinks they can shit all over the native people of said country, as well.

Well, that's certainly not true. The police are obligated to protect anyone who's a victim of a crime, and if you go out and shoot an undocumented immigrant, you can't just shrug and say "Well he was an outlaw."

I told you, I'm an American living in Southeast Asia right now. I can't tell you how much bullshit I have to go through with visa paperwork and immigration documentation. America has way less shit to go through for legal immigrants than they do here.

I've never lived in Southeast Asia, but I was married to a Japanese woman and my brother is an immigration lawyer in the Pacific Northwest, and so I know exactly how it works. If you're from a rich country, they wave you through. If you're from a poor country, they either deny you outright or put you through decades of constant bullshit.

Tell me you're an upper-middle class Progressive Democrat, without telling me you're an upper-middle class Progressive Democrat.

The Democrats would certainly be surprised to learn that the guy who doesn't even vote for them is somehow one of them.

[–]Mcheetah 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

There is no way to know how many crimes any given group commits. ...All there is, is arrest statistics.

You can't argue they commit less crimes in one point, then claim "it's impossible to know" in another. I already showed earlier that WHEN THERE IS data, illegal Mexican immigrants commit far more crime than legal immigrants and citizens, especially and mainly males under 35. There's also a huge difference between ripping the tag off a mattress or jaywalking, compared to someone costing American taxpayers millions of dollars, while shitting on the very country they snuck into, shitting on the citizens of said country that they don't respect, or can't be bothered to learn the fucking language of at the very least, expecting everyone else in America to learn a language as fucking UGLY as Mexican Spanish to accommodate them. (I know Spanish, by the way. Mexican Spanish is still one of the most awful sounding languages in the world, in my opinion. Down there with German and Mandarin. Absolutely horrendous. Americans shouldn't be forced to "learn Spanish so they can accommodate illegal immigrants." The 'fuck is up with that?!)

So please don't try to move the goal posts on me. Yes, we don't have "all the data" on their crime, but we have enough to see a clear pattern; not that it isn't common sense, like I said.

they look at black people and say - "Higher arrest statistics! Therefore: more crime!" And they look at undocumented immigrants and say - "Lower arrest statistics! But: more crime!

Except can you actually prove anything they're saying is wrong? I am black, by the way. Technically, black and Afro Cuban, to be specific. I know all about the "race realism" bullshit, but there is some truth to what they say, regardless of their morality or ethics. You can call them "wacists!!!" all you want, but can you disprove the data? Regarding black crime, that mostly has to do with socioeconomics because black people tend to be the poorest race in America (next to illegal immigrants) and surprise! Poor people commit the most crimes. That's why you can easily disprove those people by showing them the statistics of black people in high-end neighborhoods, and surprise! Little to no crime, at all. Amongst white collar crime, it's white people who commit the most.

Getting back to my point about illegal immigrants committing the most crimes... Asians/Pacific Islanders are the richest demographic in America and commit the least crimes but that's not going to make "race realists" all say we should be more like the Japanese, now is it?

You can separate the person from the data, you know? You don't have to Ad Hominem and hope calling someone "a racist" enough times will discredit the factual things they say. Not to say that's all you're doing, but it's been used by many people. So attack the argument, not the person. (I need to do this more myself.)

It is vastly more common for second-generation immigrants - who are English-speaking American citizens - to be gang members.

Only if they weren't already exposed to that before coming to America. I already stated the ones over 35 are less likely to cause problems, so they aren't the ones I'm addressing. I'm talking about the young people who cross the border, not the kids of the older ones. The kids of the older ones are usually integrated by then, so don't feel the need to "survive" by doing crime as much as first generation illegal immigrants.

if you go out and shoot an undocumented immigrant, you can't just shrug and say "Well he was an outlaw."

Except that happens all the time... What are you talkin' about? Whether it should or shouldn't is another argument, but the main thing is, if they don't illegally cross the border, then there won't be any problems for them by vigilantes or the actual border patrol. It's the same thing liberals try to whine about, when they said "Trump was putting kids in cages" in detention centers (even though Obama did that too and has been going on for decades now.) No; fuck that shit. You don't get to whine about how you're treated after breaking the law in a foreign country. Not that there are literal "kids in cages" anyway; the border crisis is just so bad, they don't have room to hold everyone at this point.

My point remains: If someone crosses the border AND shits all over the people and traditions of the country they snuck into, nobody is obligated to display White Guilt towards them and pity them as "poor little filthy downtrodden Mexicans" who need help and a free $2,000 a month welfare check, like we don't have poor American citizens already. I don't care if they get arrested or shot when they already hate America. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

And as I stated before, I'm not even against immigrants in general, as I am one in an Asian country. I'm against assholes illegally crossing the US border, shitting all over those "Estadounidenses estúpidos y retrasados," and expecting 332 million Americans to learn that hideous fucking language to accommodate them and then acting like not wanting to add 8 to 10 more problems to the 100+ ones the country already has, makes everyone "a wacist!!!" Like, there's so much fucking shit wrong with America right now. We really don't need open borders adding to things. You wonder why I make way more money over here in Asia than I would in the US doing the same job? At least I got over here in Asia legally and have to jump through all the bullshit and bureaucracy to prove it.

If you're from a rich country, they wave you through.

Complete and utter horseshit. I WISH they'd just wave me through and I didn't have to spend fucking 7 hours on Monday at the Immigration Office. 8am to 3pm, and they couldn't even complete everything. I have to go back again next week with even more paperwork. What country are you referring to exactly? The Philippines? Which used to be US owned? MAYBE they slide you on through over there, but not in Korea or Japan. There's also plenty of Indians and sub-Saharan Africans working in Korea as well (WAY more than you'd think), so I also doubt that.

The Democrats would certainly be surprised to learn that the guy who doesn't even vote for them is somehow one of them.

Look, if you're fine with criminals who don't give a shit about America fucking things up and/or you are one of them and/or married one, then okay. But getting back to your main point, please don't try to argue or imply how "racist" Americans are for not wanting MS-13 trash crossing the border by the thousands, or how "beneficial" illegal immigrants are to the country when even Democrats like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are admitting they fucked up with the border and to "please don't come." (Trump: "I'M GONNA CUM!")

If I was in charge, I'd strengthen the borders and shoot trespassers like it's North Korea. However, I'd also make it far easier for skilled immigrants to come to and live in America, as well. The problem is, the shitstain politicians and CEOs in charge right now don't want skilled Americans or skilled immigrants in America. They actively want America to be filled with low skilled workers and low IQ retards. That's how they remain billionaires instead of hundred-millionaires. Even George Carlin was saying this shit back in the 80s and 90s. So yeah, that's why Democrats protect illegal immigrants; it's not to make the country BETTER.

[–]Hematomato 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

You can't argue they commit less crimes in one point, then claim "it's impossible to know" in another.

They commit fewer crimes if you rely on arrest statistics. If you don't rely on arrest stasticis, then it's impossible to know. Everyone commits thousands of crimes, and the government ignores 99.99% of those crimes.

expecting everyone else in America to learn a language as fucking UGLY as Mexican Spanish

Surely you know that's subjective. For any given language, some people think it's ugly as shit.

You don't get to whine about how you're treated after breaking the law.

Yeah. You do. I have no doubt whatsoever that you've broken the laws of the countries you've lived in. If you deny it, you're either lying or too uninformed to understand the laws. There are hundreds of thousands of laws, and perfectly ordinary behavior violates at least a few of them.

And none of that gives me the moral - or legal - right to facefuck you to death.

surprise! Poor people commit the most crimes.

No, they get arrested more often. The police have a simple mandate: put poor people in jail so rich people don't have to look at them. And since everyone is committing a crime at any given moment, that's very easy.

Complete and utter bullshit. I WISH they'd just wave me through and I didn't have to spend fucking 7 hours on Monday at Immigration. 8am to 3pm, and they couldn't even complete everything.

Yeah, well, not to put too fine a point on it, but you're a nigger, and the country you're living in knows it. My Japanese ex-wife and I spent an hour at the immigration office. I said "We have photos to prove this is a real marriage," and the guy said "I don't have time to look at your photos. You're approved."

Meanwhile, my brother has refugees from Africa, who will 100% be killed within a week if they go back home, who are spending decades in legal limbo because the U.S. really, really, really doesn't want to grant amnesty to someone with dark skin.

However, I'd also make it far easier for skilled immigrants to come and live to America, as well.

America doesn't need skilled immigrants. That's the whole point. America needs people to pick fruit, because Americans all consider themselves too good to pick fruit for a living.