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[–]Oyveygoyim 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Stir up racial hatred for political purposes? Not the daily crime committed by foreigners? Was it stirred up racial hatred when African/muslim invaders were creating havoc in France not long ago? Was it stirred up racial hatred or the fact that some nigger stabbed several people including kids in Ireland? Hell, in the USA 90% of the violent crime is committed by blacks and Hispanics aka foreign invaders.

Edit: it happened again! In France a kid was stabbed to death by some muslim filth.

[–]youfuckingtwat 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

OK - what happens when a crime is committed? Involve the police and the legal system? Vote for folks who will improve the justice system and sort out immigration problems?

What else you want? Some sort of movement? Protests? Lynchings?

Also, you're getting your information from a disinformation resource, like 9gag or another terrorist organization. Look at the actual statistics:

[–]RamblingOtter 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I understand the retort you are using here. You are attempting to conflate the crimes committed by migrants, which in my opinion is extreme and occurs sporadically and numerously, with ALL other crime.

Nobody is going to claim that white collar crime doesn't exist, nor that people that are physically in those countries don't commit henous acts such as violence or rape.

What people are reacting to is the absolutely proven link between a sudden influx of migrants, asylum seekers and the like being thrown onto quiet towns and even smaller cities who immediately go out and commit acts of violence. It has been happening everywhere. Whether it's in Germany with the huge increase of rapes at a New Years Eve party some years ago, whether it's in Sweden where the immigrants started off with just rapes and violence and have now formed fully fledged gangs that absolutely will fuck you up just because, all coupled with the almost complete police and governmental level protection that they appear to enjoy while the media tells white people they are bad for complaining.

This is what people have an issue against. And when the police are failing and even appear to be on the side of the criminal, you are going to get a reaction. In Sweden, the media, the government and corporations as a whole all ganged up on the Swedish. Anybody who had a problem with their daughters being raped by brown people were absolutely admonished and destroyed by the media. This is also why my wife and I decided not to live in Sweden, we knew that where we would live there was a huge migrant population and there would be no safety for our kids. Over time the same has happened in a lot of the UK and is now so in Ireland.

You cannot expect white people to be treated in this fashion and not have a problem with it. The people that are arriving are on the whole not starving and innocent women and children. Just look at any news reel. They are boys and men of fighting age. They are not going to be pleasant people to be around they are not going to want to be your friend. They are quite frankly dangerous people and the small sleepy towns they are being sent to are totally ill equipped to deal with them. And this is not just a police funding matter. This is a deep down and far rooted difference in social construction of individuals. The men coming here have no problem committing acts of violence and in a lot of cases too sexual violence.

And yet they are still coming and appear to be protected by almost God up on high (not a Christian, just a phrase).

The more people like you batter the noses of the people complaining, demanding it is not a problem, demanding it is just them being racists, the more you turn those people away to what they see with their own eyes and eventually the figureheads that promise to damned well do something about it.

My kids have not seen the parts of Sweden where my wife grew up. She desperately wanted to show them, so we visited ourselves while we were over to a wedding. We mentioned what we were doing and almost every single family member told us not to go to that area, it's gone. We booked a single night anyway and they were right. It is crawling with immigrants, almost nowhere is safe there, the place is unrecognisable to her. We were watching the television in the hotel the morning after and almost got to see in real time the police cars outside the hotel window and on the television the three white people that were brutally murdered and the aftermath of it. Of course, it did indeed turn out to be some asylum seekers that were only reacting to their poor upbringings (so whitey had to die!) but that could not be said on television and bet your ass that the cops were ready to put down and arrest anyone who mentioned it.

We got in our car and left. It's unlikely my wife will ever want to return to where she grew up. That is what importing this scum does only 5 years on. Such social change takes far longer usually to reach that sort of extreme level of criminality without the influx of migrants.

But you go on ahead. You keep telling me that I am not allowed to have a problem with importing criminals. I would be stood here saying the same thing if those criminals were white too. The fact that they are brown makes no difference to me. You cannot conflate the crime we have here already and somehow wash in and distil the crime that these migrants are indeed bringing.

If I were in Ireland right now, I would back every single one of those people shouting back at the Government.

I guess though since Ireland took that IMF bailout all these years ago, they have to do what Daddy EU says and destroy the Irish people by throwing all this scum at them and legislating against any possible reaction. I have a feeling though that the Irish may have a thing or two to say about it though. And good the fuck on them! It's a far better reaction than the limp dick British have. They just let their girls be raped and their people murdered rather than be thought of as racists. And that is why they are doomed.

To answer your question, if the police are impotent and cannot protect, then you can expect movements, protests and eventually lynching. Frankly, if the guy who stabbed those children was being torn limb from limb by a crowd, I'd frankly be sad that there weren't enough pieces of him to go round. Or is it the fact that he's an immigrant somehow grant him some Godlike status to you and he should be protected and maybe given a cuddle?

For reference, we are in the process of moving to another area at this moment. I am taking a bath on the property prices but I have to do it. Why? My daughter is 13 years old. Three times now, her and her friends have been harassed by men who are asylum seekers living in the hotels in town. Every time, they have attempted to grab, or even kidnap. The police are fucking useless. They are not interested in the fact they are asylum seekers.

That tells me on a Governmental level, my 13 year old daughter can be sacrificed in the name of racism because she is white. Her friends too. If they are to go to see their friends, they must be escorted and even once, one of the Dads escorting three of the friends was attacked by one of these brown migrants.

And yet we are not allowed to have a problem with any of this, the police are more interested in the fact that we call them brown migrants and we have dicks like you talking about "What about the white people and their crime?"

Frankly, if I caught one of those brown little fuckers coming at my daughter or her friends, I wouldn't stop until he was in at least four pieces. However I doubt I would get the chance, all of them carry weapons. My daughter even caught some of them with her phone who not only flashed his knife but flashed his dick too.

Now you sit there sir and tell me this is acceptable. I'm not allowed to have a problem with it, tell me the police were right in investigating ME for pointing the fingers at the poor innocent asylum seekers. The cops attending said, "That would surprise me, they are a peaceful and loving people escaping atrocities". Not a single thing happened after reporting it.

That's why we are moving away and frankly most of her friends families are in the same boat.

[–]youfuckingtwat 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Thanks for the thoughtful response.

First: my responses to Oyveygoyim are about his promotion of nothing but the most extreme form of fascism and racism, NOT about immigration. He doesn't have a clue about anything deeper than a puddle of water.

You're assuming too much about me.

For exampe I've always been very much against illegal immigration (illegal boarder crossings, as well as expired visas) and expanded immigration policies (eg millions of additional visas for cheap labour in the IT sector in the recent 2 decades). It's always caused numerous problems. Rich donors want these immigrants to work for pennies on the dollar, while also supporting misinformation and racism in order to distract from their actual aims. The main problem is economic, destroying the middle classes in the US (who deserve better pay and not to be replaced by migrants), dividing the US with misinformation, hatred and lies, and turning the US into a banana republic. Whereas all politicians are to be considered for this, it's been an MO of the GOP since the time of Reagan.

As for racist responses to all of this: it makes matters worse, and serves the interests of the rich donors to hide and perpetuate their actual methods for profiting off the destruction of the middle classes with the help of cheap labour.

[–]RamblingOtter 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

While I can understand your disdain for the attitudes of these sorts of people, you also have to realise that this is the endgame reaction. While others may get there more slowly or quickly dependent upon how much bullshit has been experienced, education level, etc, it gets very difficult to even attempt to sympathise with these characters at all. When all I see are brown people attacking my child and the state effectively defending their right to do so, the media coercing me that I am personally worth less because I am white, when my children are invalid because they are white and then when I come to social media only to find people attempting to discredit or run roughshod over my own experiences or bleat out the same tired bollocks, I too lose a lot of sympathy to the point where I am fully behind packaging the ruddy lot of them up, shipping them to I really don't care where and closing the borders, genuine asylum be damned. But I didn't exactly get there overnight.

Being Irish myself, I too saw a lot of racism coming up in Britain in the 1980s during the heights of the IRA. Yet whenever I bring this up, it is almost verboten as I cannot possibly even slightly suggest anything of the ilk because slave trade. And then when I too dig into the history of the slave trade, who the biggest proponents were and who actually had a huge hand in ending it, that's the history that is again almost verboten.

So yes, I do see how people just resort to plain unabated racist vocabulary. It's largely because there are no other avenues left and all they are waiting for is a political figure to actually represent their views. And in the UK, just like in Netherlands, Italy, etc. I don't think that is far away. Maybe 1-3 years.

I share your pain with regards the IT sector and the destruction of the middle classes. I am vehemently against this. I do however view it as a separate problem to the one we are now experiencing in Europe and the very issues that the Irish were protesting about in the clash in Dublin. It is the same, but different. While I agree with you that from a personally economic perspective, cheap labour is doing the likes of you and I no favours at all. However, I do view this as different from the immigrants that are coming here, whether legally, illegally or via the asylum system, and inflicting near on a decade or two's worth of crime growth on particular areas of the countries they are in within a matter of weeks. That I have a huge problem with.

The area I'm in has turned on a dime. It's gone from a pleasant sleepy town with trees, safe to walk around any time to people generally tend to not go out after dark, women and especially young girls do not walk out alone at any time, incidents of burglary, home invasions and car crime has dramatically increased to the point where almost everybody on my street has had something happen to them, even us, and this to me is no way to live. I am not even being overly dramatic.

Honestly I am at the point that if a far right wing party came into fruition and offered to ship back the bally lot of them, I would honestly vote for them. I have no faith in our politicians to even slightly stem the tide and I am sick of seeing what is happening. While I hate to say that, especially as an Irishman living with a Swedish wife living in a foreign country myself (though I have been here all my life), we aren't out here burning the town down; they are. And the way I see it, they have worn out their welcome.

Sure racist responses makes matters worse. It is a shame people resort to that. But I see it as mainly an effect of being summarily ignored and told that black is orange, orange is red and crimson doesn't exist. And when they try to complain, they just get a single word smarmy response: "Source?"

Source my ass. Go stick yourself in any of these places these migrants have shown up on en masse and see for yourselves, I say. Take your young daughter, you might see more clearly!

NB Not you yourself, you anyone.