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[–]AnarchySpeach 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

All of the preppers are laughing their asses off waiting for the purge.

Cop employment is tanking. Everything is racist. Cities are on fire. Censorship of the facts is now so common nobody is surprised when they're muted, banned, and deleted.

The fact a place like saidit can even exist during all of this is a miracle.

Everything I'm saying here in this comment would get me banned off every subreddit on reddit for "Baiting/Trolling." Because that's what normal conversation is nowadays. There is agreement or nazi troll.

There's going to be a breaking point if nothing changes. Hopefully everything calms down. Maybe seattle becomes the new detroit. That's fine. idgaf. But if this shit spreads people will begin to fight back. There are places in America that won't take shit from rioters and then new sweeping gun laws to "Stop the Violent gun nuts." All of this is terrifying.