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[–]Literallyawoman 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Lots of “transmen” under 25 who also use they/them pronouns are depressed, suicidal young women who associate femininity with weakness and think presenting as male will fix their non-dysphoric mental health issues, and it’s my experience and belief transitioning creates dysphoria because the sad reality is even for those who “feel” like a man, will never look like or be a man, or be desired by the usually “cisgender” gays and straights they are attracted to.

Trans activists can claim passing doesn’t matter but it seems to be the end game THE be all and end all for 99% and the idea that passing as one of the two sexes will make life easier outside your identity politics is a joke. When someone lists off their pronouns it just put a big red flag on them that screams insecurity, needy, self-obsessed and obviously mentally ill.

Lots of young kids entering sexless, romanceless relationships out of a fear of abandonment after leaving abusive and unsupportive parents-being sucked up by the trans community and told they’re trans, non binary, asexual when they aren’t...because everyone feels uncomfortable in their own skin-self love and acceptance starts inside not out. It’s not for lack of a label that you can’t find love it starts within.

Personally I’ve lost weight from obese to fit, and feeling desirable physically with all the compliments and not being overweight made life easier in a LOT of ways-but it didn’t do SHIT for my self esteem which surprises many people in the weight loss forums...inside I was still fat, insecure, still a binge eater and alcoholic just a healthier looking one...and that’s what these kids are going to learn the hard way-you could magically turn into the hottest version of yourself as your chosen sex overnight and you’d still have all your life problems and complications.