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[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yes, but I question the geopolitical motivations of Israel. When Israel mamed Putin the man of the year in 2015 and we have faux-alternative media over here saying that Russia is bombing ISIS and preventing a power vacuum implemented by rearmament of radical sunnis by Israel and the US gulf war proxies, it seems odd that Putin would be that man. Unless, the obliteration of Syria was just a strategic destabilizarion plan for Israel at the expense of the people and that Assad who according to JTA, and Israel news has great relations with Israel, which you would not expect, considering the alternative media states the opposite, is co-opted.

It just seems to me that our entire government has been hijacked by Israel firsters; Jewish or gentile Zionists, with neoconservative and neoliberal austerity agendas.

They are merely using our military; they have hijacked it and lead it in the highest of positions. Same with the technocracy, Israel is at thr helm in silicon valley.

I think when the time comes and dedollarization occurs Israel will happily change sides and is doing currently as they are geograhpically orientated to benefit from the BRIC new economic alliance and the belt road initiative. Syria, Iran, Germany, Russia, Israel, China are all involved. Israel even sends US tech to China because they are traitors.