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[–]JasonCarswell 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Ping /u/magnora7 - Should I email Zoon Politikon or would you rather?

[–]magnora7 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Go ahead

[–]JasonCarswell 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I'm on it.

So, new developments...

Yesterday I started this :

And realized I had missed the first half of the weekly Jimmy Dore live stream, the only show I ever tune in to.

So during the JD show I kinda follow the chat and add my own spontaneous feedback or copy/paste my own counter-propaganda. (I find it a little boring live at normal 100% speed. Usually I play entertainment at 130% and news, talking heads, podcasts at 180-200%.) Jimmy Dore is great but he's still human and trapped in the left-right paradigm, thinks voting is real or effective, and believe the Climate Change scam. I try to break through to him and his friends to say there's a THIRD WAY. At the end of their show, Steph, his wife, was reading a donation comment and she didn't know what WTC7 was. Jimmy Dore said it was the 3rd building that fell but wasn't hit by a plane. He didn't say anything more about it. He knows. Few people in the chat even acknowledge my =<200char copy/pastes like these ones from my own personal campaign:

  • Assange, Snowden, Greenwald, Scahill, Chomsky, Ellsberg = SHEEPDOG LIMITED HANGOUT LIFETIME ACTORS as LEFT LIMIT OF OVERTON WINDOW & wont question 9/11 the very origin of PERPETUAL GLOBAL TERROR WAR

  • Corporations pollute everything but Earth has & will warm slowly since Ice Age so we must embrace decentralized alt energy but not CLIMATE CHANGE the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA PSY-OP SCAM FOR GLOBAL TAXES

And new:

  • SAIDIT.NET is not censored free of charge for freedom as THE THIRD WAY to the corporate-left SJWs' Reddit or the alt-right libertarian Voat. They're working on alternative DECENTRALIZED WEB solutions.

  • Join SAIDIT.NET for FREE & for freedom, NOT CENSORED like Reddit. Freethinkers, TRUTHERS, Conspirophiles, Alt-History Revisionists, Progressives, Green Party, Voluntaryists, Agorists, Anarchists...

So as they were wrapping up near the end someone was post that TLAV was going to be on after in ten minutes. I've been a fan of THE LAST AMERICAN VAGABOND for over a year since I discovered him, possibly through The Corbett Report. (A few months ago I discovered YouTube-DLG and with that I downloaded the entire TLAV archive without having to do it one by one.)

Anyways, at THE LAST AMERICAN VAGABOND there was a more interesting chat going on and I did some copy/paste including:


  • PLEASE interview someone about IPFS, Filecoin, ZeroNet, Holochain (not a coin), Fediverse, SaidIt, & other DECENTRALIZED WEB alternative SOLUTIONS combating CENSORSHIP & promoting authentic FREEDOM.

And people caught that he'd already done Corbett and the Holochain guy (my first exciting introduction) because it was just my copy/paste.

But several of them said to post those and the SaidIt link in Discord. I'd been to Discord a long time ago via BitChute and I thought it sucked - unless I'm thinking of something else. Whether it's something else or the same but much improved, it's fantastic - from what I've seen over a few hours. SaidIt has some pseudo-competition. On the other hand, if Discord grows censorship policies then SaidIt may be the next alternative. So a few of us chatted long after the show and I may have gained a person or few. At the very least we can get a TLAV sub started soon enough.

I was never into chat rooms. Ever. Then a year ago I was looking for a good audio-text transcriber and discovered the opensource A.I. Mycroft. At the time I didn't know what it was but that it had open source audio-text, and I fell into a wonderful 2 day chat session with a lady. I finally understood what the big deal was. I've never considered YouTube chat as a chat room, so much as chaotic running commentary noise. But without some video going, Discord was riveting. Likely because it was new to me and because I'd finally found more like-minded Truthers. I'd not reached out for any Truther community until SaidIt. Now I feel overwhelmed. I'm sure Discord is wonderful and there must be soooo much to explore, but it seems to me 1) I don't need more distraction, 2) they seem well established, 3) I need to learn more about their future and possible censorship, 4) decentralization also means diversifying which means if they're established we need to help more establishments like SaidIt, etc 5) I always want to help the underdog, not that Discord and SaidIt are competitors or that SaidIt is the underdog but it is smaller and maybe I can help 6) I need to get my projects prepared, established, defended, and idiot-proofed before I open the floodgates to SaidIt and Discord (whether a flood comes is another thing).

So The Last American Vagabond chat on Discord is here:

I'm guessing there must be a dozen truther channels on there, maybe hundreds, I didn't look.

It might be worth starting a SaidIt channel. I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but it's about cross pollinating and unifying in new ways.

Which leads me to a new concept. I talked before about the idea of a SaidIt overlay on Reddit channels. I don't know if that is even possible and just silly science fiction, but whether that instance is or isn't possible it might be worth considering another "overlay" variation for Discord. Hear me out...

The basic version:

  • You can open source it, but that might flood Discord with other folks doing the same thing, then they may or may not shut it down or accept it. So you write some code for a bot that copies every post on to the SaidIt channel that you'll set up on Discord. After every post you add a note that the discussion can be continued at SaidIt. You may even choose to block discussions of that post on your Discord channel. All of these variables have pros and cons to them. This sounds like a simple enough bot for a coder.

The intermediate version:

  • Comments on SaidIt also get copy/pasted to Discord. You may need to ask SaidIt users for their permission to do so. Discord then becomes something of a backup system.

The advanced version:

  • You might need permissions from Discord users on your Discord SaidIt channel before you copy/paste Discord comments into SaidIt. This would require automated following and scraping of your Discord channel and possibly a translation from their thing to markdown. Obviously this would require more time, energy, and coding but this advance version to the average user should seem like there's a seamless portal between two dimensions where the Discord and SaidIt communities can intermingle, grow to love each other, and have crazy ugly alien halfbreed babies.

Or maybe it'd be a waste of time.

[–]magnora7 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

All up to you man. We know about discord. Good luck, could be a good avenue but this is your own adventure so feel free take the reins and go in your own direction for it. My time is already pretty full.

[–]JasonCarswell 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


Don't be surprised if Ryan Cristian aka The Last American Vagabond or one of his Discord minions reaches out to you. Or feel free to contact him for whatever reasons, like to ask for a promo shoutout or whatever.