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[–]kingsmegLiberté, égalité, fraternité 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

What they can't say in the article:

When USA started losing large numbers of soldiers to the Iraqi resistance, they did what they always do: started up the death squads. They brought in ghouls like Elliot Spitzer who organized squads to kidnap ordinary Iraqis off the streets, torture them to death, then drop them in neighborhoods with 'clues' on their bodies that a rival group had done the deed. They managed to start a civil war between the formerly Ba'ath Sunnis and the Shia groups led by the Badr Brigades. As hoped, this civil war took a lot of the heat off US troops, as each side needed contacts with the USA presumably for 'intel' and weapons/cash.

Enter General Soleimani, who, starting perhaps 10 years ago, got these warring groups to bury the hatchet and unite against USA once more. And that's why USA killed him. Except it was too late, and Soleimani had a deep bench of IRG and Hezbollah leaders behind him who could ensure that his work carried on. Now with an assist from both Russia and China to make sure the region casts off the US/UK 'divide and conquer' rule by terrorist proxies. Russia especially is highly motivated to get Arabs and Persians to unite to attack US bases and forces in the Middle East. They always said that their response to USA terrorism via Ukraine would be 'asymmetrical' yet proportional. They understand very well how to inflict pain on US pressure points.

[–]RandomCollection[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Pentagon sources have revealed that US force bases have been subjected to at least 102 attacks since mid-October, highlighting the resilience of the resistance factions against external pressures and their commitment to the Palestinian cause – along with other key members of West Asia's Axis of Resistance.

Regardless of the internal divisions in Iraq, the folly of leaving US troops there is becoming apparent.

I think that the US is desperate to hold onto some of its last bases in the Middle East.