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[–]RandomCollection[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's interesting to see Larry's description of Moscow vs the US.

My advice to the people of Russia is simple. Pursue your interests without fretting about what the West will think. Put your nation’s interest first. In doing so, you will capitalize on what you already have achieved. Twenty four years ago, much of Russia, especially Moscow, was described as a “shit hole.” A rundown, tawdry place. Today, Russia stands as an example of what can be accomplished when the resources of a nation are devoted to building up and strengthening that nation.

You have avoided the temptation and curse of empire. The United States has not. What is the curse of empire? When you take it upon yourself to act as the world’s policeman, you feel compelled to intervene in every conflict or, in some cases, create a conflict, so that you can flex your muscle. In the process of “being in control”, you end up spending trillions of dollars overseas, you impoverish yourself at home and put your nation in hock. The infrastructure in your cities crumbles and your society is ravaged by violence, economic inequality and massive drug addiction. That summarizes the United States today.

Yep. I can only hope that the US will change itself into a very different country someday