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[–]3andfro 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Are you Covid vaccine-concerned? A spike protein and heavy metal detox may help.

[–]penelopepnortneyBecome ungovernable 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Ever since I first saw how over the top the efforts were to sell the COVID vaccines, my belief has been that marketing and sales would predict everything which would happen with them. More specifically, each time a market was capped, the rules would be changed so a new market could be opened up. To illustrate:

•Initially the vaccines were sold under a scarcity model to get as many people as possible to receive them.

•Once the scarcity model stopped working, they were traditionally marketed to the population.

•Once that market was capped, bribes (e.g., gift cards) were given to incentivize more people to vaccinate. Note: many of those bribes were so ridiculous (e.g., drugs, donuts and sex) they made many realize there had to be something wrong with the vaccines.

•Once that market was capped soft mandates (e.g., to travel or go to a bar or to a concert) were implemented.

•Once that market was capped, hard mandates were implemented (e.g., losing your job or being kicked out of your educational program).

•Once that market was capped, they started pushing the vaccine on children.

•Once that market was capped, they decided the vaccine actually didn’t fully protect you and boosters were needed.

•Once that market was capped, they decided more boosters were needed and eventually that the vaccine would instead become an annual shot.

[–]Maniak🥃😾[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Throughout my lifetime, I have heard people claim that the future will bring better technology and that science will make the world a better place and solve all our problems. Yet, again and again, these promises fail to materialize, and we are perpetually stuck waiting for science’s promised future.

In many cases however, the technology was in fact developed. The problem however was that the technology’s development threatened someone’s ability to make money (or gain power) so the technology was buried and never saw the light of day. For example, throughout COVID-19 we heard numerous promises that a solution to the pandemic was around the corner (e.g., the miraculous vaccines) yet each time an un-patentable solution (e.g., ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine) was found, the pandemic-industrial-complex ruthless suppressed it to ensure their grift could continue.


Recently, an insider at New Zealand’s ministry of health provided Steve with records tagged to the individual’s age, time of vaccination, number of vaccinations, and date of death (if applicable). This was extremely useful for untangling what is going on, particularly given that New Zealand has a relative small population (5.2 million people) and is known for having relatively good record keeping.


This graph again shows that the COVID vaccine dramatically increases your risk of dying (Mortality Risk or “MR”), and sadly, that this effect persists for months afterwards.

Likewise, that risk increases as you get more of the vaccines.


On November 28th, the chief data analyst for New Zealand decided to go public and disclose what he was uniquely positioned to observe with the vaccination roll-out. Specifically, he found that there was a massive spike in deaths immediately following the vaccines being deployed. Furthermore, he also shared that in a few instances, hot lots were being given that killed between 4.5-21.3% of the recipients and that a few vaccinators had between a 10-24% death rate in those they vaccinated, but for some reason did not speak up.


Getting to this point we are now has taken a lot of work from many dedicated activists, and I want to sincerely thank Steve for the work he’s put into gathering this data. After he informed me of what he was putting together, I realized the importance of it and hence spent the last two weeks compiling this series which could put those leaks into context. I hope it was helpful for each of you and provided a human face to the immense amount of human suffering which is encapsulated within the abstract data points presented in this article.