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[–]stickdog[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

They Lied: Vaccines do NOT Remain in the Arm

In the dire days of the pandemic, mRNA vaccines emerged as a beacon of hope , with the promise of training our cells to combat the menacing virus - or so it was thought. The innovative mRNA framework and delivery mechanism was simple and seemingly straightforward - the mRNA encased in lipid nanoparticles would stay in the arm, translate into the spike protein, and elicit an immune response.

However, a recent ground-breaking study, conducted by Krauson et al., dives into something we now have REPLETE evidence for: revealing that the trajectory of mRNA vaccines extends beyond the anticipated boundaries, unveiling a concerning voyage through the human body.

The researchers developed a PCR test to track the biodistribution of mRNA vaccines, discovering their presence in axillary lymph nodes up to 30 days post-vaccination and more…. A striking revelation that confronts the initial assumptions head-on. The persistence of these vaccines in certain tissues, particularly in the heart, opens the door to a myriad of questions regarding the long-term interactions between these foreign mRNA molecules and our bodily systems, a voyage initially supposed to be short-lived, now apparently lingering.

The Money Graph

Delving deeper, the study unearthed a startling connection between the presence of mRNA vaccines in the cardiac tissues and healing myocardial injuries. The vaccines were detected in the heart of some recently vaccinated patients, a revelation that sends ripples through our understanding of mRNA vaccines' interaction with our bodies. The implications of these findings are profound and summon a closer scrutiny into the cardiac involvement post mRNA vaccination.


[–]stickdog[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)



Add on from comment below from Jonathan Engler: If you examine Figure 3b from the paper, you will see that of the 12 people who died (that would be 24 ventricles 7 + 17) within 30 days of (presumably) their last injection, 0/17 of the ventricles were without myocardial injury in the absence of modmRNA. However, 4/7 of the ventricles were with myocardial injury in the presence of modmRNA. Sounds like modmRNA = myocardial injury.

How did the modmRNA get to the myocardium? They propose three options: 1. macrophages brought it there, 2. myocardial injury inducing increased microvascular permeability allowing it get there and 3. transcytosis involving endothelial cells. I vote for #3 since as they point out, the LNPs circulate in the blood2 and the livers didn’t reveal any signs of this ‘healing’.

They point out many limitations of their study including the tiny numbers of study participants. It is difficult to obtain bodies so this will always be a limitation. The samples from the organs only represent that place in the organ where the modmRNA was found (or spike when they used anti-spike staining) so who knows what was happening on the grand scale of the whole organ. And importantly, they acknowledge potential differences in modmRNA observations/detection based on post mortem variations in modmRNA degradation in different organs.


Here’s the thing, however one examines this data, without the injections playing their ‘role’, I would bet my bottom dollar that the deaths would not have ensued when they did. The effects from SARS-CoV-2 are NOT the same as the effects from the injections and this is based on the fact that the LNPs have the ability to traffic everywhere in the human body. What cells get transfected will be the Russian Roulette part the gamble. Endothelial cells? Heart? Liver? Brain?

It is also based on the wildly large differences in magnitudes of the numbers of foreign antigens associated with each → natural infection ««« unnatural injection. Clearly, the durabilities of both the modmRNA, and the foreign proteins produced from the modmRNA templates, pose a problem in terms of sticking around the human body.

Think ‘continued production of foreign antigens’ as well, as being a potential problem.