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[–]risistill me 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yes, you do wake up bit by bit.

Final straw for me?

A Democrat in the White House, an overwhelming majority in the US House and 60 Senators in the Dem Caucus (a filibuster proof majority) in the US Senate.

Please don't count the days there were 60 Senators.

First, everyone has a different count.

Second, Democrats knew well before the election that Ted Kennedy was dying and his hand picked successor took his place anyway.

Third, a bill can be passed in few days.

Fourth, there were almost three months between election day and Inauguration Day. A bill could have been ready for a vote and Obama's signature if anyone actually wanted one passed.

Fifth, if we're talking only Obamacare, Conyers had been submitting a Medicare for All bill every session. Pelosi ensured that every one of them died in committee.

Sixth, I'm tired of excuses for acts and inactions of politicians that disadvantage most Americans, so just shut up.

On edit.Despite all the above, I was a nearly rabid supporter of Sanders during the 2016 primary season because I fell for the (I) and therefore did not see him as a Democrat. Well played, Senator.