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[–]stickdog[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


When is too much too much? When is a clock or motor beyond repair? When is a garden past weeding and must be dug up? When has a relationship fallen to such a state that only its death brings life?

These are hard questions. The answer for one of us is no answer for all. Yet everything that deteriorates reaches a point — call it entropy — that no amount of correction, no added juice, can make the thing fresh, can make the clock run again.

Just as relationships sometimes approach that point, romantic and partnering bonds, so do the larger relationships of our lives. By that I mean the state as well as the State.


Not Left vs. Right – Top vs. Those Below

Lest you think this is an anti-Trump cri de coeur, I want to point to a different likely perp, those that started it all — the very rich who own both political parties. As I recently wrote:

What the State protects instead is a “way of life.” It maintains an empire that maintains a way of life among our people sufficient only to keep our rulers in power, and not much more. The goal is maintaining the extravagant way of living the too-rich enjoy. The standard of life allowed to us citizens, is a byproduct only of their desires for themselves.

If we’re kept too happy, they’re wasting their money on us. Thus the constant push for “austerity” — ours, not theirs. If we’re kept too unhappy, maybe we’ll actually rise up.

Thus what we see in our lives, why we get what we get.

It’s true that Trumpian Republicans, aided by a politically corrupted Court (their financial corruption is no worse than that of their peers), are putting an ominous twist on the road to election.

But it’s also true that a two-tiered justice system has already been established and confirmed by both political parties, a system where no one in good standing with the State, public or private, Republican or Democrat, can be convicted of a substantial crime.

George Bush can’t be convicted of war crimes in the U.S. Nor can Henry Kissinger. Obama can’t be convicted of extra-judicial murder of innocent Americans. Bankers can’t be charged for systemically defrauding and crashing the world economy. No one in Establishment favor can be charged with abetting foreign subversion of U.S. elections. Will it ever be possible to restore the Fourth Amendment, or is that too gone for good?
