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[–]penelopepnortneyBecome ungovernable[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


What incited the rioting was not the nefarious colonial past of France, and it is not so easily discounted as a random act of police racism either.

Colonial sins are a very poor explanation for negative European experiences with the mass importation of foreigners from the developing world. Sweden had no colonies to speak of, but it has not been spared migrant violence since opening its borders in 2005. The consequence of migrant attacks is a steady brutalisation of society and the police, whose harsher methods are then freely reinterpreted as signs of racism and xenophobia in the next step of this tiresome game. It is the same with the rise of populist-right parties in Europe, which are direct reactions to mass migration and its attendant social disorders. Alternative für Deutschland, a small Euro-sceptic party founded in 2012, was polling around 3% before Merkel’s wir-schaffen-das moment of 2015. In the wake of the Cologne sexual assaults months later, it surged to 13%. These political developments are subjected to the same disingenuous interpretation as escalating police force, and cited as evidence of the ambient racism to which migrant violence is merely a response.

Protests about carbon emissions, racism and colonialist sins are not sincere demands for a better and more just world, but they are not the pretence of internal seditionists bent on the overthrow of the state either. They are rallying cries in support of the globalist programme, and an appeal to the issues via which our political elite aim to free themselves finally from the constraints of their own native populations.

...this globalist ethos has given rise to a whole world of densely interrelated political parties, NGOs and philanthropists, while also fostering an increasingly uniform and inward-looking elite political culture. These new elites hope to find in imported minorities a basis of popular support for globalism at home and a counterweight to the dreaded nativist right. Most major leftist and Green parties are mere instruments and expressions of this culture, as is any demonstration that is not immediately and brutally repressed.