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Extract from article:

"Billions of dollars and euros, that were invested into brain research in the past years, made it possible to map the frequencies of the brain activity and in this way open the road to the manipulation of human perceptions, emotions and even thoughts and memories by electromagnetic radiation. The scientists in California developed a device that can interpret the vowels and consonants in our brain for effective writing, or in other words, write down people’s thoughts. According to the researchers, this device is at least 90% accurate. In 2017 scientists believed that this machine could be linked to smartphones within the next few years. Device that Translates your Thoughts in to Words will be in Smartphones soon – Research Snipers, which means that it will connect the brains of people directly to cell phone system and the internet.

Knowing the brain frequencies of vowels and consonants enables scientists to reverse this procedure and transmit thoughts into the brains of people. In 2007 The Washington Post published an article where it wrote:

“In 2002, the Air Force Research Laboratory patented… a technology: using microwaves to send words into someone’s head… In response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed for this article, the Air Force released unclassified documents surrounding that 2002 patent — records that note that the patent was based on human experimentation in October 1994 at the Air Force lab, where scientists were able to transmit phrases into the heads of human subjects, albeit with marginal intelligibility. Research appeared to continue at least through 2002. Where this work has gone since is unclear — the research laboratory, citing classification, refused to discuss it“ (Mind Games,

When the phrases, transmitted into the brain, will be converted into ultrasound, people will not realize them, because they will not hear them, but the phrases will reach their brain anyway and in this way will become the targeted persons “thoughts“. In this way the goals of the research, cited at the beginning of this article, were reached. If you do not believe it think about the fact that in 2019 scientists in the USA were capable of implanting into the memory of mice a memory of an odor they had never smelled, and made the mice react to it, see this. Also, in August 2020, the scientist Rafael Yuste, teaching at the U.S. Columbia University told the New York Times that “once the manipulation goes directly into the brain… you will not be able to tell you are being manipulated”, see this.

In Russia this kind of brain research had already started in the thirties of the past century. In August 27, 1991 the Russian newspaper ‘Komsomolskaya Pravda’ published the statement by Victor Sedletski, the vice president of the League of Independent Scientists of the USSR, where he wrote:

“As an expert and juridical personality I declare: In Kiev (and this is serious) the mass production … of psychotronic biogenerators was launched. I can not assert that during the coup d‘etat exactly the Kiev generators were used… All the same the fact that they were used is evident to me. What are the psychotronic generators? It is an electronic equipment producing the effect of guided control in the human organism“ (electronic copy of the article – Authors of Project Zombie discovered in Kiev).

In 1992 the Russian Independent Institute of Foreign Policy published in the weekly ‘Stolitsa’ the article “MC-ultra program“ (the title was inspired by the CIA mind control program from the sixties, that was quoted at the beginning of this article). In the article Victor Sedletski informed that in 1982 the USSR started the development of quite new radar system, which allowed it to control any place on the planet and that the system could be used for the creation of “psychotronic field for mind control“. He did not say exactly which project he was talking about, but it seems that he was talking about the system Sura, which was built in 1981 near the city Nizhnyi Novgorod in the central part of Russia. It was financed by the Russian ministry of defense and later it was controlled by Radiophysical Science Research Institute. See this and this.

Mind Control and Neurotechnology: Will People Allow Themselves to be Deprived of Their “Freedom of Thought”? By pulsing electromagnetic waves, the radar system Sura can produce in the ionosphere varying electrical currents and those currents then will produce electromagnetic waves in the frequencies of pulses, which will reach vast areas of the planet. If the pulsing of electromagnetic waves corresponds to frequencies of human brain activities, the electromagnetic frequencies produced by electrical currents in the ionosphere will influence the functioning of brains of whole populations.