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[–]penelopepnortneyBecome ungovernable[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

From the article:

italy, with its strict labor laws, seems to be struggling with the idea of employers firing workers for failure to vaccinate. they would very much LIKE for employers to do so and are demanding a “green pass” as a prerequisite to work, but as anyone who has ever tried can tell you, actually firing a worker in many european countries is no easy task.


so they are doing THIS instead. “hey, just don’t pay them! failure to vaxx = unjustified absence.”


The decree mandates that all employees get the vaccine ‘green pass’, which led to questions about what would happen to the millions of Italians who remain unvaccinated.


The government is attempting to avoid potential legal action by directing companies not to fire the unvaccinated, but simply to not pay them while telling employees not to show up to work under threat of being fined if they do so.


Even those who have had the virus, recovered and developed anti-bodies will still have to get at least one dose of the vaccine, presumably just as a performative show of compliance.


Italy extended its vaccine passport scheme to schools and universities on September 1st.


The ‘green pass’ in Italy also tracks an individual’s location, once again emphasizing how it’s a digital ID card on steroids.


and hey, that last part, not creepy at all, right? just real time all the time tracking of you linked to an ID you need to go pretty much anywhere or work (and will likely soon need to renew frequently as in israel).


and do not forget: the media LOVES this and will ALWAYS carry water for it.


i’m honestly curious to hear about how a dying industry does not want the state to step in and validate/save it. and the bribes are already flowing:

Democrats’ push for $50,000-per-year journalist tax credit sparks GOP ‘media collusion’ accusations


and alamaba (sic) has an interesting thought here:

BREAKING: New Alabama bill will give employees the right to take legal action against their employer if they are injured by the vaccine


and you can see it all through the system. can literally anyone believe that pfizer and AZ and JnJ and moderna would have run trials this brief, this slipshod, made such aggressive claims that failed to hold up, and then vaccinated all the controls after 3 months if they faced the liability for getting it wrong and making claims about benefit and risk that wound up being untrue?

how can anyone trust a system with such a profound misalignment of incentives?


truly good ideas can be sold on their merits. it is only bad ideas that require coercion.