I've had it with your hatred.(self)
An old classic — "TRIGGER WARNING: Pomegranates"(imgur.com)
Words shouldn't have meanings(i.imgur.com)
The entire concept of "Deadnaming" is hilarioiusly absurd(i.imgur.com)
Invalidating a males neovagina is more violent than actual violence(i.imgur.com)
Trans hate crimes on the increase(i.imgur.com)
Brutally honest child(i.imgur.com)
Groomer groomer groomer groomer groomer groomer(media.communities.win)
internet atheism ruined an entire generation(i.imgur.com)
Worst generation to be a kid(i.imgur.com)
98% of Straight Men are unwilling to date Trans Women because of Hatred(i.imgur.com)
"My wife's more transphobic than she realizes"(i.imgur.com)
turning troon's own jargon against them (from o/radfemmery)(i.imgur.com)
Trans community initially celebrates video game character allegedly becoming a “trans girl”. It’s later discovered that the character deciding to “become a girl” is actually the bad ending.(mobile.twitter.com)
TRAs admit they have to rely on stereotypes otherwise trans people wont exist.(i.imgur.com)
My 8 year old son was my husband in several past lifetimes.(i.imgur.com)
No, no, we are as crazy as the bad people say we are(imgur.com)
The cause of trans genocide has been found. It’s swimming pools.(i.imgur.com)